Citas bibligráficas
Rojas, C., (2015). Evaluación de los impactos generados por el Programa Minero de Solidaridad con el Pueblo (PMSP) en las poblaciones y comunidades cercanas a las operaciones de la minera Barrick Misquichilka [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Rojas, C., Evaluación de los impactos generados por el Programa Minero de Solidaridad con el Pueblo (PMSP) en las poblaciones y comunidades cercanas a las operaciones de la minera Barrick Misquichilka [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2015.
title = "Evaluación de los impactos generados por el Programa Minero de Solidaridad con el Pueblo (PMSP) en las poblaciones y comunidades cercanas a las operaciones de la minera Barrick Misquichilka",
author = "Rojas Saenz, Carmen Elizabeth",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2015"
This research has been conducted in order to determine the impact generated by the Mining Program of Solidarity with the People (PMSP) in the living conditions of populations and communities near the area of influence of Barrick until Misquichilka 2010. They have participated in the investigation 597 households distributed in the area of influence of Barrick, we used the survey, interview and document analysis, design contrasting used is “No Experimental - Transversal“ one box, for Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics. The research results have established that the impact generated by the Mining Program of Solidarity with the People (PMSP) in the living conditions of populations and communities near the area of influence of Barrick Misquichilka has been favorable because there a clear identification of Barrick as a major player in promoting projects aimed at basic needs and social services, together with the Municipality and the Central Government. Comprehensively Mining Solidarity Program with the People (PMSP) committed until 2010 S /. 103.8 million soles, of which in the department of Ancash 99 interventions that pledged resources for S / were recorded. 45.3 million new soles and in the department of La Libertad resources pledged in the amount of S /. 58.5 million new soles for 100 interventions. The main benefits perceived by the beneficiaries of the interventions are associated with improved living conditions, improvements in paths (connectivity) for its positive effects in reducing travel times between locations and sense greater local development viii linked to improving the living conditions of the population in care of their basic needs. Interventions in the areas of nutrition, health and education reached the amount of S /. 45 million soles financial performance, ie that 46% of the resources of the program executed. Interventions production chains and those related to the local production dynamics, have been recognized by the public as important to their communities, since it is perceived that contribute to improving their income, promote new channels of trade, and their technical capabilities are strengthened
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