Citas bibligráficas
Tay, A., Zevallos, J. (2023). Análisis económico de los diseños de construcción sostenible y tradicional de ambientes comunes en Técnica Avícola S.A. - Jequetepeque - Pacasmayo - La Libertad [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Tay, A., Zevallos, J. Análisis económico de los diseños de construcción sostenible y tradicional de ambientes comunes en Técnica Avícola S.A. - Jequetepeque - Pacasmayo - La Libertad [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "Análisis económico de los diseños de construcción sostenible y tradicional de ambientes comunes en Técnica Avícola S.A. - Jequetepeque - Pacasmayo - La Libertad",
author = "Zevallos Palacios, Jordi Ricardo",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
This research work seeks to economically analyze the sustainable and traditional construction designs in the construction of common areas in Técnica Avícola S.A. in the city of Jequetepeque, Pacasmayo - La Libertad. To address this objective, we developed a design for both systems based on confined masonry and Steel framing or dry system, to carry out a structural and economic analysis of both systems to determine the best. The methodology used corresponds to descriptive-analytical research with an applicative level of research, of descriptive - non-experimental design; for which the architectural plans were used, as well as the corresponding regulations allowing to obtain the calculations for the structural design concluding this in the seismic analysis by means of the Etabs software. Also, the execution of the metrics and budgets, with their respective unit price analysis, for each construction design using S10 software. After processing all the corresponding information, we concluded that the sustainable construction system, Steel framing, has a better seismic behavior, as well as a lower cost with respect to the traditional construction system (based on confined masonry); therefore, the Steel framing system is feasible and profitable for the construction of the common rooms in Técnica Avícola S.A.
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