Citas bibligráficas
Montero, V., Santos, J. (2022). Análisis no lineal estático en muros de albañilería confinada para pabellón de infraestructura de I.E.40092 José D. Zuzunaga Obando – Uchumayo - Arequipa [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Montero, V., Santos, J. Análisis no lineal estático en muros de albañilería confinada para pabellón de infraestructura de I.E.40092 José D. Zuzunaga Obando – Uchumayo - Arequipa [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2022.
title = "Análisis no lineal estático en muros de albañilería confinada para pabellón de infraestructura de I.E.40092 José D. Zuzunaga Obando – Uchumayo - Arequipa",
author = "Santos Pingo, José William",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2022"
The current report corresponding to the research work, called: ““ANÁLISIS NO LINEAL ESTÁTICO EN MUROS DE ALBAÑILERÍA CONFINADA PARA PABELLÓN DE INFRAESTRUCTURA DE I.E.40092 JOSÉ D. ZUZUNAGA OBANDO – UCHUMAYO - AREQUIPA““, focused on the application of an analysis method not - linear to determine the structural response of the pavilion in question. The I.E. 40092 José Domingo Zuzunaga Obando consists of six pavilions, of which Block 1 was built in 2016 and correspond to the new systemic INFES 780 architectural model. The system in the X-X direction is of frames, resisted only by TEE section columns and beams, and a confined masonry system for the Y-Y direction, as indicated in the architecture description. Previously, different and different linear analysis methods have been used to evaluate different types of existing structures, and it has been determined that most concrete frame structures and in some cases load-bearing masonry will suffer considerable damage in severe cases. of earthquakes. To perform a correct non-linear analysis, it is necessary to enter the elastic and linear design of the building, since it was developed using the ETABS V.19 computer program, in accordance with the E-030 and E-070 seismic resistant standards, of our National Building Regulations. Taking into account the guidelines of the calculation and Pushover method, the static non-linear analysis was calculated in both main axes of Block 1, for this inelastic models have been used that distribute the plasticity along the analyzed structural elements, because these are More sophisticated models that provide more information on each fiber of the structural element. To make the non-linear model, the Etabs19 software was used as a tool, taking into account that for the XX axis “frame” elements in the same way for the confined masonry walls of the Y axis and “Links” xi type elements, where for calculation purposes we will carry out the verifications with the earthquake levels given by ATC - 40 together with the performance levels, given by the VISION 2000 Committee Proposal (SEAOC, 1995), having in consideration that for the Rare Earthquake it is considered as a design earthquake and with respect to the very rare earthquake it will be equivalent to the earthquake or maximum. Finally obtaining the seismic performance of a design earthquake and a maximum one for the analysis direction ““Y““ according to the VISION 2000 committee (SEAOC, 1995). In addition to the spectral displacements of the infrastructure pavilion of the I.E. 40092 José D. Zuzunaga Obando, in the direction of analysis ““Y““ and thus recommend considerations to take into account after applying the Static Nonlinear Analysis
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