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Chávez, S., (2023). Anemia en gestantes como factor de riesgo para desarrollo de asma en pacientes preescolares [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Chávez, S., Anemia en gestantes como factor de riesgo para desarrollo de asma en pacientes preescolares [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "Anemia en gestantes como factor de riesgo para desarrollo de asma en pacientes preescolares",
author = "Chávez Díaz, Solange Mercedes",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
Título: Anemia en gestantes como factor de riesgo para desarrollo de asma en pacientes preescolares
Autor(es): Chávez Díaz, Solange Mercedes
Asesor(es): Correa Arangoitia, Alejandro Eduardo
Palabras clave: Anemia Gestacional; Asma
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Institución: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego
Resumen: El asma representa una patología frecuente en el grupo
poblacional infantil al igual que la anemia en el embarazo, por tanto, se propuso
como objetivo determinar si la anemia gestacional se asocia al desarrollo de
asma en pacientes preescolares
Material y métodos: el estudio se caracterizó por ser observacional, casos y
controles incluyendo la muestra de 220 preescolares de los cuales 55 fueron
asmáticos y 165 no asmáticos, aplicado en la consulta ambulatoria pediátrica
del Hospital distrital “Santa Isabel” de El Porvenir, entre 2018-2020.
Resultados: La anemia gestacional como factor de exposición para asma
alcanzó un ORa=1.86 con IC 95% 0.91-3.82 y p=0.091, lo cual descarta que
constituya factor de riesgo para asma. Entre las variables intervinientes la rinitis
alérgica como factor asociado al asma obtuvo un ORa=3.35 con IC al 95% de
1.57-7.17, una p=0.002, mientras que el antecedente familiar de asma
(p=0.088), bajo peso al nacer(p=0.523), ablactancia antes de los 6
meses(p=0.895), prematuridad(p=0.950), sexo masculino (p=0.795) y promedio
de edad (0.941) no se asociaron con el asma tras aplicarse el análisis
Conclusiones: La anemia gestacional no está asociada al asma en
preescolares. El antecedente de rinitis alérgica de la madre incrementa 3.25
veces el riesgo de asma en sus hijos en edad preescolar.
The Asthma represents a frequent pathology in the child population group as well as anemia in pregnancy, therefore the objective was to determine if gestational anemia is associated with the development of asthma in preschool patients. Material and methods: the study was characterized by being observational, cases and controls including a sample of 220 preschoolers, of which 55 were asthmatics and 165 werw non-asthmatics, applied in the pediatric outpatient clinic of the ““Santa Isabel““ District Hospital of El Porvenir, between 2018-2020. Results: Gestational anemia as an exposure factor for asthma reached an ORa=1.86 with CI 95% 0.91-3.82 and p=0.091, which rules out that it constitutes a risk factor for asthma. Among the intervening variables, allergic rhinitis as a factor associated with asthma obtained an ORa=3.35 with a 95% CI of 1.57- 7.17, a p=0.002, while a family history of asthma (p=0.088), low birth weight (p=0.523), breastfeeding before 6 months (p=0.895), prematurity (p=0.950), male sex (p=0.795) and average age (0.941) were not associated with asthma after applying the multivariate analysis. Conclusions: Gestational anemia is not associated with asthma in preschoolers. A mother's history of allergic rhinitis increases the risk of asthma in her preschool-age children by 3.25 times.
The Asthma represents a frequent pathology in the child population group as well as anemia in pregnancy, therefore the objective was to determine if gestational anemia is associated with the development of asthma in preschool patients. Material and methods: the study was characterized by being observational, cases and controls including a sample of 220 preschoolers, of which 55 were asthmatics and 165 werw non-asthmatics, applied in the pediatric outpatient clinic of the ““Santa Isabel““ District Hospital of El Porvenir, between 2018-2020. Results: Gestational anemia as an exposure factor for asthma reached an ORa=1.86 with CI 95% 0.91-3.82 and p=0.091, which rules out that it constitutes a risk factor for asthma. Among the intervening variables, allergic rhinitis as a factor associated with asthma obtained an ORa=3.35 with a 95% CI of 1.57- 7.17, a p=0.002, while a family history of asthma (p=0.088), low birth weight (p=0.523), breastfeeding before 6 months (p=0.895), prematurity (p=0.950), male sex (p=0.795) and average age (0.941) were not associated with asthma after applying the multivariate analysis. Conclusions: Gestational anemia is not associated with asthma in preschoolers. A mother's history of allergic rhinitis increases the risk of asthma in her preschool-age children by 3.25 times.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Medicina Humana
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. Facultad de Medicina Humana
Grado o título: Médico Cirujano
Jurado: Vásquez Alvarado, Javier Ernesto; Castañeda Cuba, Luis Enrique; Rodriguez Barboza, Hector Uladismiro
Fecha de registro: 21-abr-2023
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