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Mora, Y., Ruíz, E. (2024). Juegos Lúdicos y la Autonomía en niños del nivel Inicial de las I.E. del distrito de Trujillo, 2023 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Mora, Y., Ruíz, E. Juegos Lúdicos y la Autonomía en niños del nivel Inicial de las I.E. del distrito de Trujillo, 2023 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2024.
title = "Juegos Lúdicos y la Autonomía en niños del nivel Inicial de las I.E. del distrito de Trujillo, 2023",
author = "Ruíz Carrión, Elizabeth",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2024"
Title: Juegos Lúdicos y la Autonomía en niños del nivel Inicial de las I.E. del distrito de Trujillo, 2023
Authors(s): Mora Villalobos, Yuleysi Nicoll; Ruíz Carrión, Elizabeth
Advisor(s): Reyes Pastor, Graciela Esther
Keywords: Juegos Ludicos; Autonomia
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2024
Institution: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego
Abstract: La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación entre
los juegos lúdicos y la autonomía en niños del nivel inicial de las instituciones
educativas del distrito de Trujillo, 2023.Correspondiendo a una investigación de
tipo básica con diseño correlacional no experimental aplicada. La muestra
consistió en 113 estudiantes de 4 y 5 años de la I.E.” casa del niño”. En relación
con la recopilación de datos, se utilizó como técnica la encuesta y como
instrumento el cuestionario, asimismo fichas de observación, sobre los juegos
lúdicos y la Autonomía, ambos instrumentos fueron validados por juicio de
expertos que permitió realizar el diagnóstico de los estudiantes. Se encontró una
relación positiva entre las variables los juegos lúdicos y la autonomía presentando
una asociación moderada positiva con un valor de 0.737, además se encontró una
relación positiva moderada de gran significancia entre las variables y las
dimensiones. En conclusión, los juegos lúdicos están directamente relacionada a
la autonomía mediante resultados estadísticos aplicados en los niños del nivel
inicial de las I.E en consecuencia estos hallazgos permiten reflexionar sobre la
importancia de la autonomía infantil y el papel del juego en la convivencia escolar.
The general objective of this research was to determine the relationship between recreational games and autonomy in children at the initial level of educational institutions in the district of Trujillo, 2023. Corresponding to a basic type of research with an applied non-experimental correlational design. The sample consisted of 113 students of 4 and 5 years of the I.E.,” ""child's house."" In relation to data collection, the survey was used as a technique and the questionnaire as an instrument, as well as observation sheets on recreational games and Autonomy, both instruments were validated by expert judgment that allowed the students to be diagnosed. A positive relationship was found between the variables of recreational games and autonomy, presenting a moderate positive association with a value of 0.737. In addition, a moderate positive relationship of great significance was found between the variables and the dimensions. In conclusion, recreational games are directly related to autonomy through statistical results applied to children at the initial level of I.E. Consequently, these findings allow us to reflect on the importance of child autonomy and the role of play in school coexistence.
The general objective of this research was to determine the relationship between recreational games and autonomy in children at the initial level of educational institutions in the district of Trujillo, 2023. Corresponding to a basic type of research with an applied non-experimental correlational design. The sample consisted of 113 students of 4 and 5 years of the I.E.,” ""child's house."" In relation to data collection, the survey was used as a technique and the questionnaire as an instrument, as well as observation sheets on recreational games and Autonomy, both instruments were validated by expert judgment that allowed the students to be diagnosed. A positive relationship was found between the variables of recreational games and autonomy, presenting a moderate positive association with a value of 0.737. In addition, a moderate positive relationship of great significance was found between the variables and the dimensions. In conclusion, recreational games are directly related to autonomy through statistical results applied to children at the initial level of I.E. Consequently, these findings allow us to reflect on the importance of child autonomy and the role of play in school coexistence.
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Discipline: Educación Inicial
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. Facultad de Educación y Humanidades
Grade or title: Licenciada en Educación Inicial
Juror: Quezada García, Sonia Llaquelin; Reyes González, Roxana Milagrito; Che León Alfaro, Marianela
Register date: 2-Dec-2024
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