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Torres, R., (2023). Crematocrito de la leche materna en madres eutroficas y desnutridas [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Torres, R., Crematocrito de la leche materna en madres eutroficas y desnutridas [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "Crematocrito de la leche materna en madres eutroficas y desnutridas",
author = "Torres Chávez, Ronal André",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
Título: Crematocrito de la leche materna en madres eutroficas y desnutridas
Autor(es): Torres Chávez, Ronal André
Asesor(es): Gamarra Vilela, John Omar
Palabras clave: Crematocrito; Leche materna; Estado nutricional; Desnutridas; Eutróficas
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Institución: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego
Resumen: Objetivo: Comparar y analizar el valor calórico, medido por crematocrito, del calostro materno en mamás lactantes eutróficas y desnutridas y determinar si existe un riesgo de presentar un valor calórico bajo en la leche de una madre expuesta a desnutrición en comparación a una eutrófica.
Material y Método: El diseño del estudio es de tipo analítico, Ambispectivo y de cohorte. Se incluyo a 93 participantes conformados por madres lactantes de recién nacidos a término del Hospital Chulucanas de Piura en el periodo Octubre 2022 - Marzo 2023, que cumplieron con los criterios de selección. Fueron clasificadas en dos grupos como eutróficas (n: 62) y desnutridas (n:31) según el Índice de Masa Corporal en 2 ocasiones, en el primer trimestre de la gestación y en el puerperio inmediato. Se recolectaron los datos mediante la historia clínica y la entrevista a la mamá; se procesó la muestra de calostro materno en un laboratorio para el cálculo y análisis del Crematocrito y valor calórico. Los datos que se obtuvieron se procesaron en Excel y en el paquete estadístico IBM SPSS 26 y MEDCALC.
Resultados: Se tuvieron 31 madres lactantes con valor calórico bajo,34 con normal y 28 con elevado. Al asociar las características somatometrícas el peso y el IMC en el primer trimestre sí estuvieron asociados a presentar un valor calórico bajo, normal o elevado. En el puerperio al evaluar la asociación el peso y el IMC en madres lactantes con valor calórico bajo fue menor en comparación al de madres con valor calórico normal y elevado. Por ello hay diferencia significativa. La leche materna que tiene un valor calórico bajo presento un menor Crematocrito, menor columna de crema, pero presentaron una mayor columna de suero en comparación a las que presento un valor calórico normal y elevado. Se encontró una correlación positiva que demuestra que la madre presenta mayor crematocrito y valor calórico en su leche cuando más IMC presente en el puerperio (p <0.0001). El punto de corte obtenido para establecer IMC materno en el primer trimestre de la gestación como predictor diagnóstico de leche materna con valor calórico bajo en el puerperio fue IMC < 20.78, presentando una (sensibilidad 100%) y (especificidad 100%) para predecir diagnóstico de leche materna con valor calórico bajo en el puerperio. La diferencia entre ambos estados nutricionales con respecto al valor calórico, Crematocrito, columna de crema y columna de suero demuestra que si hay significancia estadística (p < 0,05). En el cálculo del riesgo relativo de bajo valor calórico en la leche materna del puerperio inmediato en gestantes con desnutrición materna en el primer trimestre hallamos que la desnutrición materna presenta un riesgo de 4 veces presentar bajo valor calórico de la leche materna en el puerperio inmediato en comparación de las madres que presentan un peso eutrófico en el primer trimestre de la gestación . Mediante análisis multivariado utilizando regresión lineal múltiple. Se hallo un modelo predictivo donde por cada kg/m2 al cuadrado que gana la gestante en el primer trimestre del embarazo gana 0,7% de crematocrito y 51 k/cal de valor calórico en su leche materna en el puerperio inmediato, ello ajustado por variables clínicas y sociodemográficas.
Conclusiones: Las características somatometrícas que presenta la madre en el primer trimestre y en el puerperio inmediato están asociadas al nivel del valor calórico de la leche materna. El Crematocrito, la columna de crema y la de suero están asociados al nivel del valor calórico de la leche materna en el puerperio inmediato. Que el nivel del valor calórico y el Crematocrito se correlacionan de manera positiva. Donde a mayor IMC materno puerperal, mayor valor calórico y Crematocrito en su leche. El punto de corte del IMC materno menor de 20.78 en el primer trimestre de embarazo predice con una especificidad de 100% y sensibilidad de 100% un nivel de valor calórico bajo de la leche materna en el puerperio inmediato. Las madres que presentan desnutrición en el puerperio inmediato presentan un menor valor calórico, Crematocrito, columna de crema pero mayor columna de suero en su leche. La desnutrición materna presenta un riesgo de 4 veces presentar bajo valor calórico de la leche materna en el puerperio inmediato en comparación de las madres que presentan un peso eutrófico en el primer trimestre de la gestación. Se obtuvo un modelo predictivo donde por cada kg/m2 que gana la gestante en el primer trimestre del embarazo gana 0,7% de crematocrito y 51 K/cal de valor calórico en su leche materna en el puerperio inmediato, ello ajustado por variables clínicas y sociodemográficas.
Objective: To compare and analyze the caloric value, measured by crematocrit, of maternal colostrum in eutrophic and malnourished lactating mothers and determine if there is a risk of presenting a low caloric value in the milk of a mother exposed to malnutrition compared to a eutrophic one. Material and methods: Method: The study design was analytical, ambispective and cohort. 93 participants were included, made up of breastfeeding mothers of term newborns at the Chulucanas Hospital in Piura during the period October 2022 - March 2023, who met the selection criteria. They were classified in two groups as eutrophic (n: 62) and malnourished (n:31) according to the Body Mass Index on two occasions, in the first trimester of gestation and in the immediate puerperium. Data were collected through clinical history and maternal interview; the maternal colostrum sample was processed in a laboratory for the calculation and analysis of the Crematocrit and caloric value. The data obtained were processed in Excel and in the statistical package IBM SPSS 26 and MEDCALC. Results: There were 31 lactating mothers with low caloric value, 34 with normal and 28 with high. When associating the somatometric characteristics, weight and BMI in the first trimester were associated with presenting a low, normal or high caloric value. In the postpartum period, when evaluating the association, the weight and BMI in lactating mothers with low caloric value was lower compared to that of mothers with normal and high caloric value. Therefore there is a significant difference. Breast milk that has a low caloric value presented a lower Crematocrit, lower cream column, but presented a higher serum column compared to those that presented a normal and high caloric value. A positive correlation was found that shows that the mother has a higher crematocrit and caloric value in her milk when more BMI is present in the puerperium (p <0.0001). The cut-off point obtained to establish maternal BMI in the first trimester of pregnancy as a diagnostic predictor of breast milk with low caloric value in the puerperium was BMI < 20.78, presenting a (100% sensitivity) and (100% specificity) to predict diagnosis. of breast milk with low caloric value in the puerperium. The difference between both nutritional states with respect to caloric value, Crematocrit, cream column and serum column shows that there is statistical significance (p < 0.05). In calculating the relative risk of low caloric value in breast milk in the immediate postpartum period in pregnant women with maternal malnutrition in the first trimester, we found that maternal malnutrition presents a 4-fold risk of presenting low caloric value of breast milk in the immediate postpartum period in comparison of mothers with eutrophic weight in the first trimester of pregnancy. By multivariate analysis using multiple linear regression. A predictive model was found where for each kg/m2 squared that the pregnant woman gains in the first trimester of pregnancy, she gains 0.7% of crematocrit and 51 k/cal of caloric value in her breast milk in the immediate postpartum period, adjusted by clinical and sociodemographic variables. Conclusions: The somatometric characteristics presented by the mother in the first trimester and in the immediate puerperium are associated with the level of the caloric value of breast milk. Crematocrit, cream column and serum column are associated with the level of the caloric value of breast milk in the immediate puerperium. That the level of caloric value and Crematocrit are positively correlated. The higher the puerperal maternal BMI, the higher the caloric value and the higher the Crematocrit in her milk. The cut-off point of maternal BMI less than 20.78 in the first trimester of pregnancy predicts with a specificity of 100% and sensitivity of 100% a low caloric value of breast milk in the immediate puerperium. Mothers who present malnutrition in the immediate puerperium present a lower caloric value, Crematocrit, cream column but higher serum column in their milk. Maternal malnutrition presents a 4 times higher risk of presenting low caloric value of breast milk in the immediate puerperium compared to mothers who present a eutrophic weight in the first trimester of gestation. A predictive model was obtained where for each kg/m2 gained by the pregnant woman in the first trimester of pregnancy, she gains 0.7% of crematocrit and 51 K/cal of caloric value in her breast milk in the immediate puerperium, adjusted for clinical and sociodemographic variables.
Objective: To compare and analyze the caloric value, measured by crematocrit, of maternal colostrum in eutrophic and malnourished lactating mothers and determine if there is a risk of presenting a low caloric value in the milk of a mother exposed to malnutrition compared to a eutrophic one. Material and methods: Method: The study design was analytical, ambispective and cohort. 93 participants were included, made up of breastfeeding mothers of term newborns at the Chulucanas Hospital in Piura during the period October 2022 - March 2023, who met the selection criteria. They were classified in two groups as eutrophic (n: 62) and malnourished (n:31) according to the Body Mass Index on two occasions, in the first trimester of gestation and in the immediate puerperium. Data were collected through clinical history and maternal interview; the maternal colostrum sample was processed in a laboratory for the calculation and analysis of the Crematocrit and caloric value. The data obtained were processed in Excel and in the statistical package IBM SPSS 26 and MEDCALC. Results: There were 31 lactating mothers with low caloric value, 34 with normal and 28 with high. When associating the somatometric characteristics, weight and BMI in the first trimester were associated with presenting a low, normal or high caloric value. In the postpartum period, when evaluating the association, the weight and BMI in lactating mothers with low caloric value was lower compared to that of mothers with normal and high caloric value. Therefore there is a significant difference. Breast milk that has a low caloric value presented a lower Crematocrit, lower cream column, but presented a higher serum column compared to those that presented a normal and high caloric value. A positive correlation was found that shows that the mother has a higher crematocrit and caloric value in her milk when more BMI is present in the puerperium (p <0.0001). The cut-off point obtained to establish maternal BMI in the first trimester of pregnancy as a diagnostic predictor of breast milk with low caloric value in the puerperium was BMI < 20.78, presenting a (100% sensitivity) and (100% specificity) to predict diagnosis. of breast milk with low caloric value in the puerperium. The difference between both nutritional states with respect to caloric value, Crematocrit, cream column and serum column shows that there is statistical significance (p < 0.05). In calculating the relative risk of low caloric value in breast milk in the immediate postpartum period in pregnant women with maternal malnutrition in the first trimester, we found that maternal malnutrition presents a 4-fold risk of presenting low caloric value of breast milk in the immediate postpartum period in comparison of mothers with eutrophic weight in the first trimester of pregnancy. By multivariate analysis using multiple linear regression. A predictive model was found where for each kg/m2 squared that the pregnant woman gains in the first trimester of pregnancy, she gains 0.7% of crematocrit and 51 k/cal of caloric value in her breast milk in the immediate postpartum period, adjusted by clinical and sociodemographic variables. Conclusions: The somatometric characteristics presented by the mother in the first trimester and in the immediate puerperium are associated with the level of the caloric value of breast milk. Crematocrit, cream column and serum column are associated with the level of the caloric value of breast milk in the immediate puerperium. That the level of caloric value and Crematocrit are positively correlated. The higher the puerperal maternal BMI, the higher the caloric value and the higher the Crematocrit in her milk. The cut-off point of maternal BMI less than 20.78 in the first trimester of pregnancy predicts with a specificity of 100% and sensitivity of 100% a low caloric value of breast milk in the immediate puerperium. Mothers who present malnutrition in the immediate puerperium present a lower caloric value, Crematocrit, cream column but higher serum column in their milk. Maternal malnutrition presents a 4 times higher risk of presenting low caloric value of breast milk in the immediate puerperium compared to mothers who present a eutrophic weight in the first trimester of gestation. A predictive model was obtained where for each kg/m2 gained by the pregnant woman in the first trimester of pregnancy, she gains 0.7% of crematocrit and 51 K/cal of caloric value in her breast milk in the immediate puerperium, adjusted for clinical and sociodemographic variables.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Medicina Humana
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. Facultad de Medicina Humana
Grado o título: Médico Cirujano
Jurado: Tipiani Muñoz, Margarita Elizabeth; Sandoval Ato, Raúl Hernán; Cruz Dioses, Fernando Ricardo
Fecha de registro: 2-jun-2023
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