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Azañero, C., Vargas, C. (2021). Instituto Superior Tecnológico Público Nueva Esperanza [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Azañero, C., Vargas, C. Instituto Superior Tecnológico Público Nueva Esperanza [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2021.
title = "Instituto Superior Tecnológico Público Nueva Esperanza",
author = "Vargas Rondo, Carlos Alberto",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2021"
Título: Instituto Superior Tecnológico Público Nueva Esperanza
Asesor(es): Padilla Zúñiga, Angel
Palabras clave: Instituto; Infraestructura; Diagnóstico; Reconstrucción; Demolición; Espacios ideales; Residuos de demolición; Arquitectura responsable
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Institución: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego
Resumen: En concordancia con el estado actual del Instituto de Educación Superior
Tecnológica Pública “Nueva Esperanza”, el presente proyecto tuvo como propósito
rediseñar su infraestructura, teniendo en cuenta los requerimientos y necesidades
del usuario, normativa y criterios estructurales correspondientes.
Se realizó un estudio acerca de la problemática en relación al equipamiento y su
sector, el diagnóstico demostró que el instituto se encontraba totalmente
desvinculado de su entorno, no era funcional y, además, se encontraba mal
emplazado. Se encontró también que, el crecimiento de este instituto se dio por
etapas no planificadas y de manera desordenada, contando con sistemas
constructivos mixtos y careciendo de espacios ideales para los alumnos, por tanto,
la función de sus bloques se dio de manera dispersa y sin coherencia. Por todo ello,
se realizó también un estudio de reutilización de residuos de demolición, con la
intención de proyectar arquitectura responsable.
De esta manera, se concluye que la investigación previa dio como resultado un
proyecto factible y de alta complejidad como es requerido, dando lugar a un objeto
estético, estable y sobretodo funcional.
In accordance with the current status of the “Nueva Esperanza“ Public Technological Higher Education Institute, the present project aimed to redesign its infrastructure, taking into account the requirements and needs of the user, regulations and corresponding structural criteria. A study was carried out on the problems in relation to the building and its sector, the diagnosis showed that the institute was totally disconnected from its surroundings, it wasn’t functional at all and, furthermore, it was poorly located. It was also found that the growth of this institute occurred in unplanned stages and in a messy manner, with mixed construction systems and lacking ideal spaces for students, therefore, the function of its blocks occurred in a dispersed way and without coherence. Therefore, a demolition waste reuse study was also carried out, with the intention of designing responsible architecture. In this way, it is concluded that the previous research resulted in a feasible and highly complex project as required, giving rise to an aesthetic, stable and above all functional object.
In accordance with the current status of the “Nueva Esperanza“ Public Technological Higher Education Institute, the present project aimed to redesign its infrastructure, taking into account the requirements and needs of the user, regulations and corresponding structural criteria. A study was carried out on the problems in relation to the building and its sector, the diagnosis showed that the institute was totally disconnected from its surroundings, it wasn’t functional at all and, furthermore, it was poorly located. It was also found that the growth of this institute occurred in unplanned stages and in a messy manner, with mixed construction systems and lacking ideal spaces for students, therefore, the function of its blocks occurred in a dispersed way and without coherence. Therefore, a demolition waste reuse study was also carried out, with the intention of designing responsible architecture. In this way, it is concluded that the previous research resulted in a feasible and highly complex project as required, giving rise to an aesthetic, stable and above all functional object.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Arquitectura
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Artes
Grado o título: Arquitecto
Jurado: Saldaña Milla, Roberto Heli; Pesantes Aldana, Karen; Canchucaja Bonarriba, Ana Patricia
Fecha de registro: 4-jul-2021
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