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De, C., Lizano, M. (2022). Complejo Polideportivo como complemento del Estadio Miguel Grau Piura - 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
De, C., Lizano, M. Complejo Polideportivo como complemento del Estadio Miguel Grau Piura - 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2022.
title = "Complejo Polideportivo como complemento del Estadio Miguel Grau Piura - 2021",
author = "Lizano Mera, Marlon Nick Dawin",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2022"
Título: Complejo Polideportivo como complemento del Estadio Miguel Grau Piura - 2021
Asesor(es): Cubas Ramirez, Cesar Emmanuel
Palabras clave: Complejo Deportivo; Infraestructura
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Institución: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego
Resumen: El siguiente proyecto de tesis “Complejo Deportivo como Complemento del
Estadio Miguel Grau de Piura”, ubicado en Piura, distrito de Castilla, muestra
nuestro aporte a la ciudad, que hoy en día, no cuenta con una correcta
infraestructura deportiva, además de presentar polideportivos dispersos en todo
el territorio, los cuales se encuentran en mal estado, sin mantenimiento y
algunos de ellos en deterioro, siendo esta la principal razón por la cual se
propone este Complejo Deportivo, será financiado por IPD, y como su propio
nombre lo indica, será un complemento importante para el estadio Miguel Grau,
que lleva muchos años en malas condiciones y desaprovechando los
beneficios que aportaría al convertirse en un equipamiento tan importante para
la ciudad. El proyecto que se plantea no solo ayudará al desarrollo de los
deportistas, también será un dinamizador urbanístico del distrito ya que su
ejecución cambiaría por completo la imagen y la estética de la zona.
Este proyecto contará con modernos sistemas constructivos y estructurales,
además de ser una de las primeras edificaciones en el Perú utilizando sistema
ETFE en sus fachadas, el cual, aplicado estratégicamente, no solo nos brindará
una buena iluminación, sino que preservará la infraestructura de nuestro
proyecto a largo plazo. Al ser un sistema poco común en el país, nos servirá
para atraer a la gente que pasa por el lugar y también al turismo, descubrirá
mayores ingresos por el equipamiento y promoverá el sector para que se
convierta en un lugar comercial aumentando el valor del entorno.
The following thesis project ““Sports Complex as a Complement to Piura’s Miguel Grau Stadium““, located in Piura, district of Castilla, shows our contribution to the city, which today, does not have a correct sports infrastructure, in addition to present scattered sports centers all over the territory, which are in poor conditions, without maintenance and some of them in deterioration, being this the main reason why this Sports Complex is being proposed, it will be financed by IPD, and as its own name suggests, it will be an important complement to Miguel Grau stadium, which has been in poor conditions for many years and wasting the benefits it would provide by becoming such an important facility for the city. The project that is being proposed will not only help the development of athletes, it will also be an urban booster for the district because its execution would completely change the image and aesthetics of the area. This project will have modern construction and structural systems, in addition to be one of the first buildings in Peru using ETFE system on its facades, which, when applied strategically, will not only provide us with good lighting, but will also preserve the infrastructure of our project in the long term. Being a rare system in the country, it will serve us well to attract people who pass through the place and also tourism, will discover higher income for the equipment and will promote the sector to become a commercial place increasing the value of the surroundings.
The following thesis project ““Sports Complex as a Complement to Piura’s Miguel Grau Stadium““, located in Piura, district of Castilla, shows our contribution to the city, which today, does not have a correct sports infrastructure, in addition to present scattered sports centers all over the territory, which are in poor conditions, without maintenance and some of them in deterioration, being this the main reason why this Sports Complex is being proposed, it will be financed by IPD, and as its own name suggests, it will be an important complement to Miguel Grau stadium, which has been in poor conditions for many years and wasting the benefits it would provide by becoming such an important facility for the city. The project that is being proposed will not only help the development of athletes, it will also be an urban booster for the district because its execution would completely change the image and aesthetics of the area. This project will have modern construction and structural systems, in addition to be one of the first buildings in Peru using ETFE system on its facades, which, when applied strategically, will not only provide us with good lighting, but will also preserve the infrastructure of our project in the long term. Being a rare system in the country, it will serve us well to attract people who pass through the place and also tourism, will discover higher income for the equipment and will promote the sector to become a commercial place increasing the value of the surroundings.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Arquitectura
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Artes
Grado o título: Arquitecto
Jurado: Zulueta Cueva, Carlos Eduardo; Enríquez Relloso, José Antonio; Sachun Azabache, Carlos Martín
Fecha de registro: 6-jul-2022
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