Citas bibligráficas
Chiroque, Y., Guerra, M. (2023). El contrabando de petróleo y su impacto en la evasión tributaria de las empresas pesqueras de la ciudad de Tumbes, 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Chiroque, Y., Guerra, M. El contrabando de petróleo y su impacto en la evasión tributaria de las empresas pesqueras de la ciudad de Tumbes, 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "El contrabando de petróleo y su impacto en la evasión tributaria de las empresas pesqueras de la ciudad de Tumbes, 2021",
author = "Guerra Verástegu, Mirian Lily",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
The purpose of the work was to determine to what extent oil smuggling impacts tax evasion of fishing companies in the city of Tumbes, 2021. The research is applied and explanatory because it tries to explain that smuggled fuel consumption allows evasion tributary of fishing vessels with a single group design with observation, in addition; The population consisted of the 128 owners of the fishing vessels in the Tumbes region (according to the Tumbes Regional Government registry) with a non probabilistic sample and at the convenience of 10 tax declarations of the owners of the fishing vessels. The information obtained was processed using the IBM SPPS software. The results allowed us to test the hypothesis and confirm that oil smuggling impacts on the increase in tax evasion in the fishing companies of the city of Tumbes, since on average each vessel obtains 90,000 soles more in profit with the use of smuggled oil. in their tasks, which leads to an income tax evasion of approximately 42,000 soles per vessel, which multiplied by the 128 vessels adds up to 5 million 376 thousand soles that is not being taxed annually. Likewise, with the application of the T-Student test, a value of P = 0.002 < 0.05 was determined, which allowed confirming the significant difference in oil profits with and without smuggling. The investigation derives the conclusion that the illegal activity of oil smuggling in fishing operations in the Tumbes region is significant, negatively impacting tax collection.
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