Citas bibligráficas
Camacho, L., Revilla, A. (2022). Adaptación de los rendimientos para determinar la programación y presupuesto ordinario de un proyecto de edificación d euso educativo ante el Covid - 19 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Camacho, L., Revilla, A. Adaptación de los rendimientos para determinar la programación y presupuesto ordinario de un proyecto de edificación d euso educativo ante el Covid - 19 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2022.
title = "Adaptación de los rendimientos para determinar la programación y presupuesto ordinario de un proyecto de edificación d euso educativo ante el Covid - 19",
author = "Revilla Crispín, Angel Alberto",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2022"
This thesis arises from the modifications in the construction system of works due to the social context of a global pandemic, emphatically, in the planning and execution processes of said work; being the raw material of our study, the yields. Therefore, our objective is to determine the yields for the preparation of the budget and ordinary schedule of the building project. A series of restrictions were made based on the guidelines stipulated during the conjuncture, for the estimation of the new yields, and through that, the generation of the budget and schedule documents. The purpose of this work is the proportion of a base model for the adaptation of education-type building works. Based on the proposed objective, it is expected that the changes in each of the topics studied (budget and schedule) will be regularly greater, mainly due to the reduced staff that forces us to future extensions of the work deadline. The research is of an applied type, due to the contrast of our results in the field of construction of education-type works. Regarding the results, it was observed that the factor of reduction of personnel in different places of the execution of the work, have generated an increase in the budget and leads to more days of work. Finally, it is recommended that these results be taken into consideration during the execution of the project in order to request higher costs, time extensions or to prepare a more accurate dossier
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