Citas bibligráficas
Rojas, S., Yangua, K. (2019). Las redes sociales como canal de comunicación promocional en los restaurantes ubicados en el Molino de la ciudad de Piura año 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Rojas, S., Yangua, K. Las redes sociales como canal de comunicación promocional en los restaurantes ubicados en el Molino de la ciudad de Piura año 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2019.
title = "Las redes sociales como canal de comunicación promocional en los restaurantes ubicados en el Molino de la ciudad de Piura año 2018",
author = "Yangua Oliva, Karol Marjory",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2019"
The main objective of the research has been to identify the level of utility of social networks as a promotional communication channel in the restaurants located in the mill of the city of Piura year 2018. We start from a problematic reality that led us to the next question ¿Are social networks useful as a promotional communication channel in restaurants located in the mill of the city of Piura year 2018? For which we hypothesize that social networks are very useful as a promotional communication channel in restaurants located in the mill of the city of Piura in 2018, this study was carried out with a sample of 359 customers of restaurants located in the mill of the city of Piura, the instrument that was applied was a survey validated with Alfa Cronbach, 0.724 for the present study was developed as objectives, to know what are the social networks that customers use mostly to inform themselves of the restaurants located in El Mill of the city of Piura year 2018, identify the commitment and linking of customers with the social networks of the restaurants located in El Molino of the city of Piura year 2018 and identify the communicative and incentive promotions that restaurants located in El make Mill of the city of Piura year 2018, concluding that social networks have a level l of utility 0.42 as a promotional communication channel in the restaurants located in the mill of the city of Piura year 2018 identified with the Spearman coefficient, that is to say a significant level.
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