Citas bibligráficas
Villanueva, M., (2017). influencia de los programas combate y esto es guerra en la construcción de la identidad personal y social de niños de 1ero, 2do y 3er grado de la institución educativa estatal 80002 Antonio Torres Araujo, en la ciudad de Trujillo durante el periodo [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Villanueva, M., influencia de los programas combate y esto es guerra en la construcción de la identidad personal y social de niños de 1ero, 2do y 3er grado de la institución educativa estatal 80002 Antonio Torres Araujo, en la ciudad de Trujillo durante el periodo [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2017.
title = "influencia de los programas combate y esto es guerra en la construcción de la identidad personal y social de niños de 1ero, 2do y 3er grado de la institución educativa estatal 80002 Antonio Torres Araujo, en la ciudad de Trujillo durante el periodo",
author = "Villanueva Camacho, Mayra",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2017"
This thesis report is an explanatory descriptive research that seeks the influence of the Combate and Esto es Guerra programs in the construction of the personal and social identity of first, second and third grade children at the primary level. The sample population was 75 students who enrolled in 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade of the IE 80002 Antonio Torres Araujo, who did the tests of the data collection instruments, an interview questionnaire for reality television programs that served to collect the characteristics of the programs that the children observed, and a structure to evaluate the level of construction of the personal and social identity of the children of 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade of Regular Basic Education, whose purposes were identified the characteristics of the programs television and identify the level of construction of personal and social identity of children in first grade, second grade and third grade, on average and for each grade. The conclusion reached is that there is a very significant influence of reality shows in the construction of personal and social identity in the students of 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade of the State Educational Institution 80002 Antonio Torres Araujo during the school period 2017
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