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Zapata, M., Goncalves, Y. (2024). Plan Estratégico de Marketing para Renzo Costa [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Zapata, M., Goncalves, Y. Plan Estratégico de Marketing para Renzo Costa [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Plan Estratégico de Marketing para Renzo Costa",
author = "Goncalves Marttini, Yvani Dominique",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
Título: Plan Estratégico de Marketing para Renzo Costa
Otros títulos: Strategic Marketing Plan for Renzo Costa
Asesor(es): Berdejo Chavez, Pedro Rubén
Palabras clave: Plan de marketing; Cuero; Calidad; Oportunidad; Ecommerce; Ventas; Marketing plan; Leather; Quality; Opportunity; Sales
Campo OCDE:;
Fecha de publicación: 14-nov-2024
Institución: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Resumen: Renzo Costa es una empresa peruana de venta de artículos y prendas de cuero, que se encuentra presente en el mercado hace 51 años. Es una marca que, si bien posee un alto nivel de prestigio y es ampliamente reconocida en Perú, enfrenta la problemática de la percepción que tienen los clientes sobre la misma. En los últimos años, la marca Renzo Costa ha experimentado una pérdida de clientes, debido a la transición de utilizar cuero nacional a cuero importado en sus productos. Esto ha desconectado a una parte importante de su base de consumidores que valoraban el apoyo a la industria local. Este plan de marketing propone estrategias orientadas a recuperar la identidad nacional de la marca y atraer nuevamente a los clientes que valoran la calidad de cuero peruano. Adicional a ello, se detectó una oportunidad de crecimiento en el canal ecommerce, y para lograrlo se ha realizado un plan de marketing enfocado en ingresar a plataformas digitales como el market place de Yape para obtener mayores oportunidades de venta. Así mismo, se realizarán ventas en vivo por la plataforma TikTok. También, el plan de marketing propone incorporar nuevas familias en la línea de PVC, para brindar variedad al público e incrementar las ventas. Finalmente, se desarrolla el análisis económico que facilitará la ejecución del plan de marketing y la conservación del posicionamiento de la marca.
Renzo Costa is a Peruvian company that sells leather goods and clothing, which has been present in the market for 51 years. It is a brand that, although it has a high level of prestige and is widely recognized in Peru, faces the problem of the perception that customers have about it. In recent years, the Renzo Costa brand has experienced a loss of customers, due to the transition from using national leather to imported leather in its products. This has turned off a significant portion of their consumer base who valued supporting local industry. This marketing plan proposes strategies aimed at recovering the national identity of the brand and attracting again customers who value the quality of Peruvian leather. In addition to this, an opportunity for growth was detected in the ecommerce channel, and to achieve this, a marketing plan has been carried out focused on entering digital platforms such as the Yape marketplace to obtain greater sales opportunities. Likewise, live sales will be made on the TikTok platform. Also, the marketing plan proposes incorporating new families in the PVC line, to provide variety to the public and increase sales. Finally, the economic analysis is developed that will facilitate the execution of the marketing plan and the conservation of the brand positioning.
Renzo Costa is a Peruvian company that sells leather goods and clothing, which has been present in the market for 51 years. It is a brand that, although it has a high level of prestige and is widely recognized in Peru, faces the problem of the perception that customers have about it. In recent years, the Renzo Costa brand has experienced a loss of customers, due to the transition from using national leather to imported leather in its products. This has turned off a significant portion of their consumer base who valued supporting local industry. This marketing plan proposes strategies aimed at recovering the national identity of the brand and attracting again customers who value the quality of Peruvian leather. In addition to this, an opportunity for growth was detected in the ecommerce channel, and to achieve this, a marketing plan has been carried out focused on entering digital platforms such as the Yape marketplace to obtain greater sales opportunities. Likewise, live sales will be made on the TikTok platform. Also, the marketing plan proposes incorporating new families in the PVC line, to provide variety to the public and increase sales. Finally, the economic analysis is developed that will facilitate the execution of the marketing plan and the conservation of the brand positioning.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Marketing
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). División de Estudios Profesionales para Ejecutivos (EPE)
Grado o título: Licenciado en Marketing
Jurado: Alegría Rojas, Carlos Emilio; Armesto Céspedes, Miguel Sebastián
Fecha de registro: 13-dic-2024
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