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Mendoza, C., Porta, D. (2024). PhotoRestorer: Restauración de retratos antiguos o dañados con Deep Learning [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Mendoza, C., Porta, D. PhotoRestorer: Restauración de retratos antiguos o dañados con Deep Learning [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "PhotoRestorer: Restauración de retratos antiguos o dañados con Deep Learning",
author = "Porta Montes, David Obhed",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
Título: PhotoRestorer: Restauración de retratos antiguos o dañados con Deep Learning
Asesor(es): Montalvo Garcia, Peter
Palabras clave: Restauración de fotografías; GAN; Image Inpainting; CNN; Clasificación de Imágenes; Transfer Learning; Modelos de Machine Learning; Photo Restoration; Image Inpainting; Image Classification; Transfer Learning; Deep Learning; Machine Learning Models
Campo OCDE:;
Fecha de publicación: 18-mar-2024
Institución: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Resumen: Hace no muchos años, se solía tomar fotografías analógicas o tradicionales, las cuales terminaban en una foto impresa y estaban expuestas a diferentes tipos de daños. Por consiguiente, el objetivo de este proyecto es la construcción de una aplicación móvil que permita restaurar retratos de personas utilizando técnicas de Deep Learning. Si bien muchos estudios proponen diversas técnicas de restauración, estas se centran en un solo tipo de daño y si logran enfocarse en distintos tipos de daño, sus resultados no son del todo buenos y pueden tener tiempos de ejecución excesivos reflejando el margen de mejora. Por ese motivo, proponemos la creación de una Red Neuronal Convolucional (CNN) para clasificar el tipo de daño de una imagen y, en consecuencia, aplicar modelos de restauración pre entrenados. Para este clasificador utilizamos la técnica de Transfer Learning usando Inception V3 como base para la arquitectura. Asimismo, para el entrenamiento del clasificador, creamos nuestra propia fuente de datos a partir del dataset FFHQ, que contiene una gran variedad de rostros de personas al cual tuvimos que aplicar filtros y máscaras para simular imágenes dañadas o antiguas. Los resultados muestran que el uso del clasificador para que identifique el tipo de daño en imágenes antes de la restauración es una buena opción para reducir los tiempos de ejecución y mejorar los resultados de las imágenes restauradas, dado que se aplica el modelo correcto al retrato que lo necesite.
Not many years ago, analog or traditional photographs used to be taken, which ended up in a printed photo and were exposed to different types of damage. Therefore, the objective of this project is the construction of a mobile application that allows restoring portraits of people using Deep Learning techniques. Although many studies propose various restoration techniques, they focus on a single type of damage and if they manage to focus on different types of damage, their results are not entirely good and may have excessive execution times reflecting the margin for improvement. For that reason, we propose the creation of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to classify the type of damage of an image and, consequently, apply pre-trained restoration models. For this classifier we use the Transfer Learning technique using Inception V3 as the basis for the architecture. Likewise, for the training of the classifier, we created our own data source from the FFHQ dataset, which contains a great variety of people's faces to which we had to apply filters and masks to simulate damaged or old images. The results show that the use of the classifier to identify the type of damage in images before restoration is a good option to reduce execution times and improve the results of the restored images, since the correct model is applied to the portrait that needs it.
Not many years ago, analog or traditional photographs used to be taken, which ended up in a printed photo and were exposed to different types of damage. Therefore, the objective of this project is the construction of a mobile application that allows restoring portraits of people using Deep Learning techniques. Although many studies propose various restoration techniques, they focus on a single type of damage and if they manage to focus on different types of damage, their results are not entirely good and may have excessive execution times reflecting the margin for improvement. For that reason, we propose the creation of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to classify the type of damage of an image and, consequently, apply pre-trained restoration models. For this classifier we use the Transfer Learning technique using Inception V3 as the basis for the architecture. Likewise, for the training of the classifier, we created our own data source from the FFHQ dataset, which contains a great variety of people's faces to which we had to apply filters and masks to simulate damaged or old images. The results show that the use of the classifier to identify the type of damage in images before restoration is a good option to reduce execution times and improve the results of the restored images, since the correct model is applied to the portrait that needs it.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Ciencias de la Computación
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Ingeniería
Grado o título: Licenciado en Ciencias de la Computación
Jurado: Diaz Suarez, Jorge Eduardo; Zubieta Cardenas, Robert Ernesto; Rojas Sihuay, Diego
Fecha de registro: 18-nov-2024
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