Bibliographic citations
Barreto, N., (2024). Modelamiento bidimensional y diseño hidráulico de defensa ribereña en la quebrada Yale – Pariñas – departamento de Piura, utilizando el software Iber [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Barreto, N., Modelamiento bidimensional y diseño hidráulico de defensa ribereña en la quebrada Yale – Pariñas – departamento de Piura, utilizando el software Iber [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Modelamiento bidimensional y diseño hidráulico de defensa ribereña en la quebrada Yale – Pariñas – departamento de Piura, utilizando el software Iber",
author = "Barreto Jamanca, Nestor Antonio",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
The increment in hard and extreme climate events such as the El Niño Phenomenon, which has caused repeated flooding and significant losses in the Piura region and throughout the national territory in recent years, has allowed us to address in this research the problem of the Yale stream in the Pariñas district. This study, of applied nature, focuses on developing a two-dimensional model and hydraulic design of riparian defense using Iber software. The experimental methodology encompass the selection and preparation of the study area, the design of two scenarios: the first, with current conditions and the second, with riparian defense, and finally, the comparative analysis of the data obtained. The results from the bidimensional modeling without the Ribereña defense reveal a several flood dangers, especially in vulnerable urban areas. However, when there is a Ribereña defense the flood danger for the affected zones caused by the “Fenomeno del niño” are evade. To reach this purpose, it was collected significant data given by the SENAMHI. As well as also, the modeling of the floods utilizing a focus on the Geographic information system (GIS) and the software Hec-HMS. This investigation contributes in the prevention and mitigation of the natural disasters caused by eh FEN in the region of Piura, especially in the district of Yale. The integration of the topographic, hydrologic and geotechnics data supports a hydraulic modeling through the software Iber. This focus provides a tool to the management of risks, identifying vulnerable areas and allowing the informed decision making.
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