Bibliographic citations
Gomero, D., Romero, E., Alvarado, S. (2024). Plan de negocio para la implementación de una línea de servicio a través de un software especializado en la gestión de flota vehicular denominado ¡SMVA!. Una solución práctica, confiable y segura [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Gomero, D., Romero, E., Alvarado, S. Plan de negocio para la implementación de una línea de servicio a través de un software especializado en la gestión de flota vehicular denominado ¡SMVA!. Una solución práctica, confiable y segura [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Plan de negocio para la implementación de una línea de servicio a través de un software especializado en la gestión de flota vehicular denominado ¡SMVA!. Una solución práctica, confiable y segura",
author = "Alvarado Vega, Sonia Luz",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
The development of this work seeks to support the economic viability, for the implementation of a new business line specialized in providing solutions to vehicle fleet management, through the development of software in a business in the information technology sector. The proposal is based on 2 approaches: The first, related to the need for transport companies to reduce maintenance expenses through adequate fleet management that could generate savings of up to 20% of the assigned expenditure. to corrective maintenance and the second related to the reduction of expenses caused by unplanned stops and the payment of fines for expiration of legal documents, which can exceed twenty thousand soles annually contingent on the type of company. The target market is hip the department of Lima, specifically in the road freight and passenger transportation sectors, estimating to capture 1.5% of this population. SMVA (Vehicle maintenance software at your fingertips) offers advanced features for preventive and corrective maintenance of vehicles, as well as functionalities related to tire control and performance, fuel consumption, document management and the generation of key indicators for the decision making. The chief basis of revenue originates after the monthly payment for using the software. For the implementation of the project, an initial investment of S/1,500,000 is required, estimating to recuperate the speculation in the second year of operation. In a conservative scenario, an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 26.5% and a Net Present Value (NPV) of 649,000 soles is calculated.
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