Bibliographic citations
Paitan, Z., Amaut, K. (2023). La inmovilización temporal registrada no es obstáculo para inscribir la adquisición por prescripción [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Paitan, Z., Amaut, K. La inmovilización temporal registrada no es obstáculo para inscribir la adquisición por prescripción [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "La inmovilización temporal registrada no es obstáculo para inscribir la adquisición por prescripción",
author = "Amaut Prudencio, Kenyi Guillermo",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
This work deals with the implications and effects generated as a consequence of the notarial order of registration of a judgment of acquisitive prescription of ownership over a property in whose registry entry a temporary immobilization act was recorded. In the first chapter, a summary of the case is made, explaining its main aspects and legal implications, emphasizing the reasons that justified the creation of a binding criterion in the registry regarding the admission of the registration of a title containing a declaration of acquisitive prescription of dominion even when a temporary immobilization requested by the registrant is recorded in the title deed of this property. The second chapter of this work deals with the different points of view assumed by the national legal doctrine, regarding the effects and approaches of the acquisitive prescription of ownership, the prescription against tábulas and the temporary immobilization of the registry entries. Consequently, the third chapter provides a legal and critical analysis of temporary immobilization and the positive and negative effects that the interpretation of the restrictions it entails could have. Finally, this paper addresses the different approaches given to usucaption and temporary immobilization, being that the latter, consisting of a simple unilateral declaration of the registrant on his refusal to dispose of the property, cannot enervate the effects of a declaration (notarial or judicial) where another subject acquires by an own fact and original title, as is the prescription.
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