Bibliographic citations
Campos, J., Chambi, W. (2023). Diseño de una ciclovía segura para la Av. Caminos del Inca en el tramo que abarca la Av. Tomás Marsano y la Av. Alfredo Benavides en el distrito de Santiago de Surco (Lima) [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Campos, J., Chambi, W. Diseño de una ciclovía segura para la Av. Caminos del Inca en el tramo que abarca la Av. Tomás Marsano y la Av. Alfredo Benavides en el distrito de Santiago de Surco (Lima) [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Diseño de una ciclovía segura para la Av. Caminos del Inca en el tramo que abarca la Av. Tomás Marsano y la Av. Alfredo Benavides en el distrito de Santiago de Surco (Lima)",
author = "Chambi Mamani, Wilmer Ivan",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
Internationally, the shortage of protected infrastructure for cyclists restricts alternatives linked to green mobility, increasing dependence on motorized automobiles, resulting in vehicular crowding (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2023). At the national level, the lack of effective cooperation between local municipal administrations in promoting public policies for the development of exclusive bicycle routes stands out. Although more than 50 exclusive sections have been enabled for cyclists in 14 districts of Lima, most of them lack a design that ensures a fluid connection between the different districts (Pizarro, 2018). In Santiago de Surco, problems have been observed in the design of bicycle infrastructure, such as a cycle path in the center of the public road that shares space with posts and areas frequented by pedestrians, which has generated incidents. The research process consisted of analyzing the current situation of cyclists who travel along Caminos del Inca Avenue. From this, the requirements are established for cyclists to have safe movement. For this reason, a bicycle lane was designed in the studied section and strategically located bicycle parking spaces. This was carried out in accordance with the recommendations of national and foreign regulations. Finally, a design proposal was presented for a cycle path on Caminos del Inca Avenue that complies with national and foreign regulatory recommendations for safe movement of cyclists.
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