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Vega, R., (2021). Colegio público con espacios compartidos en Manchay [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Vega, R., Colegio público con espacios compartidos en Manchay [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "Colegio público con espacios compartidos en Manchay",
author = "Vega Chavez, Roberto Daniel",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
Título: Colegio público con espacios compartidos en Manchay
Otros títulos: Public School in Manchay
Autor(es): Vega Chavez, Roberto Daniel
Asesor(es): Morales Delgado, Luis Enrique
Palabras clave: Colegio público; Espacios públicos; Gestión del tiempo; Public school; Public spaces; Time management
Campo OCDE:;
Fecha de publicación: 15-jul-2021
Institución: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Resumen: El presente proyecto se basó en desarrollar un colegio que busca la interacción entre la comunidad donde se emplaza y los espacios que el mismo edificio ofrece compartir. Es por ello, que se plantea una nueva tipología de colegio público que propone espacios colaborativos donde la gente pueda participar en actividades de aprendizaje técnico - profesionales, deportivas y culturales.
Actualmente la infraestructura de los colegios públicos a nivel nacional consiste en espacios rígidos que entorpecen el desplazamiento, la interacción y la exploración de nuevas experiencias de los alumnos, ya que carecen de ambientes óptimos que ofrezcan una adecuada atmosfera para una educación más activa. Por lo general, encontramos colegios que se encapsulan en sí mismos con grandes muros ciegos que fomentan la inseguridad y generan que la comunidad no reconozca al edificio como suyo.
Ante la problemática existente se propone un colegio compartido con la comunidad mediante la gestión del tiempo, para generar conciencia de cómo emplazar en el entorno las nuevas edificaciones educativas y que estas, al mismo tiempo, sean permeables y concebidas para las personas de la comunidad.
Así mismo, dentro del colegio se proponen ambientes polivalentes en los pasillos, escaleras, patios de recreo, plazas cívicas, aulas temáticas e ingresos a espacios compartidos para generar espacios de encuentro de educación activa para las relaciones interpersonales y espaciales. Educación y socialización en base a la experiencia.
This project was based on developing a school that seeks interaction between the community where it is located and the spaces that the same building offers to share. That is why a new type of public school is proposed that encourages collaborative spaces where people can participate in technical-professional, sports and cultural learning activities. Currently, the infrastructure of public schools nationwide consists of rigid spaces that hinder the movement, interaction and exploration of new experiences of students, since they lack optimal environments that offer an adequate atmosphere for a more active education. In general, we find schools that encapsulate themselves with large blind walls that promote insecurity and cause the community not to recognize the building as theirs. Faced with the existing problem, a shared school with the community is proposed through time management, to generate awareness of how to locate the new educational buildings in the environment and that these, at the same time, are permeable and conceived for the people of the community. Likewise, within the school, multipurpose environments are proposed in the corridors, stairways, playgrounds, civic squares, thematic classrooms and access to shared spaces to generate meeting spaces for active education for interpersonal and spatial relationships. Education and socialization based on experience.
This project was based on developing a school that seeks interaction between the community where it is located and the spaces that the same building offers to share. That is why a new type of public school is proposed that encourages collaborative spaces where people can participate in technical-professional, sports and cultural learning activities. Currently, the infrastructure of public schools nationwide consists of rigid spaces that hinder the movement, interaction and exploration of new experiences of students, since they lack optimal environments that offer an adequate atmosphere for a more active education. In general, we find schools that encapsulate themselves with large blind walls that promote insecurity and cause the community not to recognize the building as theirs. Faced with the existing problem, a shared school with the community is proposed through time management, to generate awareness of how to locate the new educational buildings in the environment and that these, at the same time, are permeable and conceived for the people of the community. Likewise, within the school, multipurpose environments are proposed in the corridors, stairways, playgrounds, civic squares, thematic classrooms and access to shared spaces to generate meeting spaces for active education for interpersonal and spatial relationships. Education and socialization based on experience.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Arquitectura
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Arquitectura
Grado o título: Arquitecto
Fecha de registro: 26-oct-2021
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