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Balcázar, L., (2021). Centro de Artes Escénicas de Lima [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Balcázar, L., Centro de Artes Escénicas de Lima [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "Centro de Artes Escénicas de Lima",
author = "Balcázar Santos, Laura Natalia",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
Título: Centro de Artes Escénicas de Lima
Otros títulos: Performing arts center of lima
Autor(es): Balcázar Santos, Laura Natalia
Asesor(es): Gamarra Maguiño, Jorge Miguel
Palabras clave: Arquitectura cultural; Artes escénicas; Desarrollo social; Cultural architecture; Performing arts; Social development
Campo OCDE:;
Fecha de publicación: 5-feb-2021
Institución: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Resumen: Las artes escénicas se definen como toda manifestación que puede ser presentada en escena. Éstas parten del comportamiento expresivo inherente a la especie humana y han permitido, a lo largo de la historia, su adaptación a diferentes contextos.
En el Perú, las artes escénicas constituyen uno de los pilares de su diversidad y riqueza cultural; y son un factor clave en el desarrollo y la formación de la identidad colectiva del país. Además han generado, históricamente, registro de la sociedad a través del tiempo.
Lima, al ser la capital, concentra la mayor parte de centros, colectivos y asociaciones de artes escénicas del país. Éstos se encuentran en constante evolución y crecimiento gracias a la gran voluntad de creación de los artistas y gestores del rubro.
La situación actual, sin embargo, aún no es la ideal, ya que los lugares donde se practican estas actividades en la ciudad son espacios adaptados, de áreas reducidas, que sobreviven con bajos presupuestos impulsados por los mismos artistas o, en algunos casos, por fundaciones o entidades del extranjero. En muchos casos, estas actividades se llevan a cabo de manera informal e incluso en las calles. Esto quiere decir que la falta de infraestructura adecuada es uno de los mayores problemas para el sector cultural escénico del país.
El Centro de Artes Escénicas de Lima (CAEL) busca ser un espacio motor del desarrollo artístico, social y económico en Lima, brindando la infraestructura óptima para llevar a cabo las actividades escénicas (ensayos, clases, producciones, espectáculos, etc.).
The performing arts are defined as every demonstration that can be showcased on scene. This originate from the expressive behavior inherent of the human species and have allowed, throughout history, their adaptation to different contexts. In Peru, performing arts constitute one of the pillars of its diversity and cultural wealth; and they are a key factor in the development and construction of the collective identity of the country. Also, they have generated historically a record of the society along time. Lima, being the capital, concentrates most part of the centers, groups and associations of performing arts in the country. These are in constant evolution and change thanks to the great will of creation of the artists and promoters of the field. The current situation, however, is not yet ideal, as the places where these activities are practiced are adapted spaces, with reduced areas, that survive with low budgets provided by the artists themselves or, in some cases, by foundations or foreign entities. In much other cases, these activities are carried out in an informal way and even on the streets. This means that the lack of a proper infrastructure is one of the major problems for the cultural performing arts sector in the country. The Performing Arts Center of Lima (CAEL) seeks to be a place that impulses the artistic, social and economic development of Lima, giving the optimum infrastructure to bring into action the performing arts activities: rehearsals, classes, productions, shows, etc.
The performing arts are defined as every demonstration that can be showcased on scene. This originate from the expressive behavior inherent of the human species and have allowed, throughout history, their adaptation to different contexts. In Peru, performing arts constitute one of the pillars of its diversity and cultural wealth; and they are a key factor in the development and construction of the collective identity of the country. Also, they have generated historically a record of the society along time. Lima, being the capital, concentrates most part of the centers, groups and associations of performing arts in the country. These are in constant evolution and change thanks to the great will of creation of the artists and promoters of the field. The current situation, however, is not yet ideal, as the places where these activities are practiced are adapted spaces, with reduced areas, that survive with low budgets provided by the artists themselves or, in some cases, by foundations or foreign entities. In much other cases, these activities are carried out in an informal way and even on the streets. This means that the lack of a proper infrastructure is one of the major problems for the cultural performing arts sector in the country. The Performing Arts Center of Lima (CAEL) seeks to be a place that impulses the artistic, social and economic development of Lima, giving the optimum infrastructure to bring into action the performing arts activities: rehearsals, classes, productions, shows, etc.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Arquitectura
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Arquitectura
Grado o título: Arquitecto
Fecha de registro: 26-ago-2021
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