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Díaz, R., Muriel, S., Pacheco, A., Pairazamán, L., Rodríguez, A. (2020). SumaqKay [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Díaz, R., Muriel, S., Pacheco, A., Pairazamán, L., Rodríguez, A. SumaqKay [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "SumaqKay",
author = "Rodríguez Quispe, Angela Cristina",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
Title: SumaqKay
Other Titles: SumaqKay
Authors(s): Díaz Chamorro, Roraima Lucia; Muriel Garriazo, Solanghe Alejandra Yovanna; Pacheco Huaringa, Alexsandra Margarita; Pairazamán Romero, Luis Ángel; Rodríguez Quispe, Angela Cristina
Advisor(s): Chacón Arenas, Edinson Miguel
Keywords: Crema facial; Cosmética natural; Cuidado personal; Hidratación; Sostenibilidad; Facial cream; Natural Cosmetics; Personal care; Hydration; Sustainability
Issue Date: 21-Jul-2020
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: El mercado de cosmética e higiene personal ha tenido un crecimiento significativo en los últimos años en el país, esto debido a la demanda por productos como cosméticos, perfumes, maquillaje, preparaciones para la piel y geles capilares. Dichos productos son adquiridos principalmente por la población femenina, por lo que el segmento determinado son mujeres del NSE A y B que residen en Lima Metropolitana y que tienen preferencia por la compra vía online. Dentro del grupo de las preparaciones de la piel, se encuentran las cremas faciales, las cuales tienen diferentes composiciones y propiedades para la piel. No obstante, una de las controversias que gira en torno a estos tipos de productos es en base a la composición de estos, ya que existen marcas en el mercado que emplean elementos químicos, los cuales al usarse constantemente pueden, a largo plazo, generar problemas a la piel. Ante esto, se ha realizado el presente proyecto, el cual se basa en la comercialización de una crema facial limpiadora e hidratante a base de insumos naturales, entre ellos se destacan los vegetales como el espárrago y la espinaca, el aceite esencial de sándalo y el extracto de yogurt. Esta propuesta de cosmética natural brinda muchas propiedades beneficiosas para la piel, asimismo, genera un nivel de confianza y seguridad a los clientes al ser en base a insumos naturales. El modelo de negocio propuesto es atractivo, debido a que tiene una relación estrecha con la tendencia de lo natural, la cual es una de las tendencias que ha tenido un mayor impacto en los últimos años en la sociedad, asimismo, porque se ha identificado, durante la investigación realizada durante el proyecto, que existe una demanda insatisfecha por este tipo de productos en el rubro de la cosmética.
The cosmetics and personal hygiene market has had significant growth in recent years in the country, this due to the demand for products such as cosmetics, perfumes, makeup, skin preparations and hair gels. Said products are acquired mainly by the female population, so the specific segment is women from the NSE A and B who reside in Metropolitan Lima and who have a preference for online shopping. Within the group of skin preparations, are facial creams, which have different compositions and properties for the skin. However, one of the controversies that revolves around these types of products is based on their composition, since there are brands on the market that use chemical elements, which when used constantly can, in the long term, generate problems to the skin. Given this, the present project has been carried out, which is based on the commercialization of a cleansing and moisturizing facial cream based on natural inputs, including vegetables such as asparagus and spinach, sandalwood essential oil and yogurt extract. This proposal of natural cosmetics provides many beneficial properties for the skin, and also generates a level of confidence and security for customers, based on natural inputs. The proposed business model is attractive, because it has a close relationship with the natural trend, which is one of the trends that has had the greatest impact on society in recent years, also because it has been identified, during the research carried out during the project, there is an unmet demand for this type of product in the cosmetics sector."
The cosmetics and personal hygiene market has had significant growth in recent years in the country, this due to the demand for products such as cosmetics, perfumes, makeup, skin preparations and hair gels. Said products are acquired mainly by the female population, so the specific segment is women from the NSE A and B who reside in Metropolitan Lima and who have a preference for online shopping. Within the group of skin preparations, are facial creams, which have different compositions and properties for the skin. However, one of the controversies that revolves around these types of products is based on their composition, since there are brands on the market that use chemical elements, which when used constantly can, in the long term, generate problems to the skin. Given this, the present project has been carried out, which is based on the commercialization of a cleansing and moisturizing facial cream based on natural inputs, including vegetables such as asparagus and spinach, sandalwood essential oil and yogurt extract. This proposal of natural cosmetics provides many beneficial properties for the skin, and also generates a level of confidence and security for customers, based on natural inputs. The proposed business model is attractive, because it has a close relationship with the natural trend, which is one of the trends that has had the greatest impact on society in recent years, also because it has been identified, during the research carried out during the project, there is an unmet demand for this type of product in the cosmetics sector."
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Discipline: Administración y Negocios Internacionales
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Negocios
Grade or title: Bachiller en Administración y Negocios Internacionales
Register date: 7-Sep-2020
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