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Perales, J., Molina, J. (2020). Modelo de madurez de analítica de datos para el sector financiero [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Perales, J., Molina, J. Modelo de madurez de analítica de datos para el sector financiero [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "Modelo de madurez de analítica de datos para el sector financiero",
author = "Molina Chirinos, Jorge Alonso",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
Título: Modelo de madurez de analítica de datos para el sector financiero
Otros títulos: Data Analytics Maturity Model for Financial Sector Companies
Asesor(es): Pérez Pichis, Roy
Palabras clave: Analítica de datos; Modelo de madurez; Sector financiero; Data analytics; Maturity model; Financial sector
Fecha de publicación: 2-mar-2020
Institución: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Resumen: La analítica de datos permite a las organizaciones del sector financiero obtener una ventaja competitiva a través de procesos destinados a obtener datos, procesarlos y mostrarlos como información valiosa para comprender el comportamiento de sus clientes y estar preparados contra riesgos como el lavado de dinero, el fraude crediticio, entre otros. Sin embargo, las organizaciones no pueden identificar fácilmente las brechas relacionadas con el personal, los sistemas de información y los procesos comerciales que obstaculizan la mejora de su entorno de analítica de datos. En este contexto, los modelos de madurez evalúan, con base en criterios definidos, el estado actual de una organización e identifican su nivel de madurez para mejorar en función de los hallazgos. En este documento, se propone un modelo de madurez para identificar brechas en el entorno analítico de las compañías financieras que conducen a la reducción de estas. Este modelo incluye artefactos y criterios de evaluación centrados en tecnología, gobernanza, gestión de datos, cultura y analítica en sí, lo que proporciona un proceso de diagnóstico más amplio y estructurado con respecto al entorno analítico. El modelo propuesto se probó en tres empresas del sector financiero peruano y los resultados sugieren que los especialistas obtuvieron una perspectiva más clara que sus pensamientos iniciales sobre la situación del entorno analítico de sus empresas.
Data analytics allows organizations in the financial sector to gain a competitive advantage through processes aimed at obtaining data, processing them and displaying them as valuable information to understand the behavior of their clients and to be prepared against risks as money laundering, credit fraud, among others. However, organizations cannot easily identify gaps related to personnel, information systems and business processes that hinder the improvement of their data analytics environment. In this context, maturity models evaluate, based on defined criteria, the current state of an organization and identify its maturity level in order to improve based on the findings. In this paper, a maturity model is proposed to identify gaps in analytics environment of financial companies that lead to the reduction of these. This model includes artifacts and evaluation criteria focused on technology, governance, data management, culture and analytics itself, which gives a broader and structured diagnosis process with respect to the analytics environment. The proposed model was tested in three companies of Peruvian financial sector and the results suggest that the specialists obtained a clearer perspective than their initial thoughts on the situation of the analytics environment of their companies.
Data analytics allows organizations in the financial sector to gain a competitive advantage through processes aimed at obtaining data, processing them and displaying them as valuable information to understand the behavior of their clients and to be prepared against risks as money laundering, credit fraud, among others. However, organizations cannot easily identify gaps related to personnel, information systems and business processes that hinder the improvement of their data analytics environment. In this context, maturity models evaluate, based on defined criteria, the current state of an organization and identify its maturity level in order to improve based on the findings. In this paper, a maturity model is proposed to identify gaps in analytics environment of financial companies that lead to the reduction of these. This model includes artifacts and evaluation criteria focused on technology, governance, data management, culture and analytics itself, which gives a broader and structured diagnosis process with respect to the analytics environment. The proposed model was tested in three companies of Peruvian financial sector and the results suggest that the specialists obtained a clearer perspective than their initial thoughts on the situation of the analytics environment of their companies.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Ingeniería de Sistemas de Información
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Ingeniería
Grado o título: Ingeniero de sistemas de información
Fecha de registro: 30-jun-2020
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