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Jerí, P., Pacheco, M., Rojas, B., Romero, P. (2019). Nature Kids [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Jerí, P., Pacheco, M., Rojas, B., Romero, P. Nature Kids [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2019.
title = "Nature Kids",
author = "Romero Vegas, Percy",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2019"
Título: Nature Kids
Autor(es): Jerí Senno, Peggy Magaly; Pacheco Callirgos, Mónica Leana; Rojas Vásquez, Betzabe Karen; Romero Vegas, Percy
Asesor(es): Espinoza Daniel, Gianfranco Alfredo
Palabras clave: Ropa infantil; Confección de ropa; Bambú; Children's clothing; Clothing manufacture
Fecha de publicación: 5-dic-2019
Institución: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Resumen: Las sociedades van evolucionando a través de los años, es así que las empresas y las personas se están alineando hacia una visión de cuidado y protección del medio ambiente, con la finalidad de conservar nuestro planeta y vivir cada día mejor en un ambiente próspero y libre de contaminación.
La organización de las Naciones Unidas ha trazado diecisiete (17) Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, que marcan una hoja de ruta para las empresas hacia el 2030, con estos objetivos las empresas deberán crecer a largo plazo y construir negocios sostenibles, que garanticen el adecuado uso de los recursos naturales y al mismo una mejor calidad de vida para todos.
Nuestra propuesta de negocio nace en el marco del objetivo número doce (12) de los ODS: “Garantizar modalidades de consumo y producción sostenibles”. Para ello, utilizaremos un recurso natural como materia prima de nuestro producto, el Bambú. Es una planta que crece muy rápido y se reproduce con facilidad, por ende es un recurso ecológico y sostenible.
La Fibra de bambú se utiliza para confeccionar prendas de vestir, estas prendas son de una textura suave y fresca, suelen ser cómodas y de larga duración, también protegen la piel de los rayos UV.
Hemos apostado por confeccionar y comercializar prendas de vestir para niños de 0 a 5 años de edad, elaboradas con fibra de bambú. El uso de este insumo en las prendas de vestir aún no es muy conocido en el mercado, por ende estamos introduciendo al mercado un producto novedoso para nuestro público objetivo. Los padres optarán por un producto que es de calidad, proporciona comodidad y además colabora con el cuidado del medio ambiente y el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales.
Societies are evolving over the years, so that people and companies are aligning themserves towards a vision of care and protection of the environment in order to conserve our planet and live better every day in a prosperous and free of contamination. The organization of the United Nations has drawn seventeen Sustainable Development Goals which mark a roadmap to the companies by 2030, with this goals the companies must grow in a long term and build sustainable business that guarantee proper use of natural resources and at the same time a better quality of live for all. Our business proposal is born within the framework of objective number 12 of the SDGs: “Guarantee sustainable consuption and production”. For this we will use a natural resourse as the raw material of product Bamboo. It is a plant that grows very fast and reproduces easily, that is why an ecological and sostainable resource is. Bamboo fiber is used to make clothing, this clothes has soft and fresh texture, are usually comfortable and has a long lasting, also protect our skin from UV rays. In this case we have opted to make and sell clothing for children from 0 to 5 years old made with bamboo fiber. The use of this imput in clothing is not yet known in the market, so that we have introduced to the market a new product for our target audience. Parents will opted for a product that is of quality, provides comfort and also collaborates with the care of environment and the sustainable use of natural resources.
Societies are evolving over the years, so that people and companies are aligning themserves towards a vision of care and protection of the environment in order to conserve our planet and live better every day in a prosperous and free of contamination. The organization of the United Nations has drawn seventeen Sustainable Development Goals which mark a roadmap to the companies by 2030, with this goals the companies must grow in a long term and build sustainable business that guarantee proper use of natural resources and at the same time a better quality of live for all. Our business proposal is born within the framework of objective number 12 of the SDGs: “Guarantee sustainable consuption and production”. For this we will use a natural resourse as the raw material of product Bamboo. It is a plant that grows very fast and reproduces easily, that is why an ecological and sostainable resource is. Bamboo fiber is used to make clothing, this clothes has soft and fresh texture, are usually comfortable and has a long lasting, also protect our skin from UV rays. In this case we have opted to make and sell clothing for children from 0 to 5 years old made with bamboo fiber. The use of this imput in clothing is not yet known in the market, so that we have introduced to the market a new product for our target audience. Parents will opted for a product that is of quality, provides comfort and also collaborates with the care of environment and the sustainable use of natural resources.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Administración de Empresas; Administración de Banca y Finanzas
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). División de Estudios Profesionales para Ejecutivos (EPE)
Grado o título: Bachiller en Administración de Empresas; Bachiller en Administración de Banca y Finanzas
Fecha de registro: 31-ene-2020
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