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Arbieto, W., Ccollcca, G., Marroquin, C. (2019). E-Shoes Perú [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Arbieto, W., Ccollcca, G., Marroquin, C. E-Shoes Perú [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2019.
title = "E-Shoes Perú",
author = "Marroquin Seminario, Carlos",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2019"
Título: E-Shoes Perú
Asesor(es): Alfaro Coronel, Lorena Veronica
Palabras clave: Zapatos; Cuero; Plataforma web; Marketplace; Shoes; Leather
Fecha de publicación: 9-dic-2019
Institución: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Resumen: El proyecto ha desarrollado una idea de negocio que consiste en un Marketplace llamado E-Shoes Perú, el cual se coloca como un servicio diferenciado respecto a la oferta del mercado; Se ofrece una plataforma de intermediación entre vendedores (confeccionistas o comercializadores) de calzado de cuero y clientes que buscan calzados de calidad, hecho en cuero y a precios accesibles. Esta plataforma está disponible 24/7. Asimismo, el calzado comprado por ese medio será enviado a la dirección deseada por el cliente.
La estrategia de comunicación se desarrolla a través de la plataforma web y redes sociales: Facebook e Instagram. En el inicio de operaciones, la empresa requiere de una inversión total de S/ 85,192.00 necesitando sólo como financiamiento externo del 40%, equivalente a S/34, 077.00, ya que el 60% será cubierto con capital de los accionistas. El retorno del capital de los inversionistas se obtiene en el cuarto año con una tasa de rendimiento del 33,3% anual y al finalizar el quinto año contarán con una rentabilidad total de S/136,520. En consecuencia, E-Shoes Perú representa un negocio rentable y escalable.
Con el presente proyecto se busca crear un canal de ventas para las empresas que no están dispuesta en invertir en un medio digital y si dispuestos a tercerizarlo y ser un marketplace en donde se venda exclusivamente calzado de cuero a precios accesibles.
The project has developed a business idea that consists of a Marketplace called E-Shoes Peru, which is positioned as a differentiated service according to the market offer; An intermediation platform is offered between sellers (clothing manufacturers or marketers) of leather footwear and customers looking for quality footwear, made of leather and at affordable prices. This platform is available 24/7. Likewise, footwear purchased by that means will be sent to the address desired by the customer. The communication strategy is developed through the web platform and social networks: Facebook and Instagram. Initially, the company need a total investment of S/85,192.00, requiring only 40% external financing, equivalent to S/34,077.00, since 60% will be covered with shareholder capital. The return of the capital of the investors is obtained in the fourth year with an annual rate of return of 33,3% and at the end of the fifth year they will have a total return of S /136,520,00. For that reason, E-Shoes Peru represents a profitable and scalable business. This project seeks to create a sales channel for companies that are not willing to invest in a digital medium and are willing to outsource it and be a marketplace where leather shoes are sold exclusively at affordable prices.
The project has developed a business idea that consists of a Marketplace called E-Shoes Peru, which is positioned as a differentiated service according to the market offer; An intermediation platform is offered between sellers (clothing manufacturers or marketers) of leather footwear and customers looking for quality footwear, made of leather and at affordable prices. This platform is available 24/7. Likewise, footwear purchased by that means will be sent to the address desired by the customer. The communication strategy is developed through the web platform and social networks: Facebook and Instagram. Initially, the company need a total investment of S/85,192.00, requiring only 40% external financing, equivalent to S/34,077.00, since 60% will be covered with shareholder capital. The return of the capital of the investors is obtained in the fourth year with an annual rate of return of 33,3% and at the end of the fifth year they will have a total return of S /136,520,00. For that reason, E-Shoes Peru represents a profitable and scalable business. This project seeks to create a sales channel for companies that are not willing to invest in a digital medium and are willing to outsource it and be a marketplace where leather shoes are sold exclusively at affordable prices.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Administración de Empresas; Marketing; Negocios Internacionales
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). División de Estudios Profesionales para Ejecutivos (EPE)
Grado o título: Bachiller en Administración de Empresas; Bachiller en Marketing; Bachiller en Negocios Internacionales
Fecha de registro: 29-ene-2020
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