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Dávila, M., Rondon, E., Navarro, D., Cachay, M., Chura, L. (2019). Aquamati [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Dávila, M., Rondon, E., Navarro, D., Cachay, M., Chura, L. Aquamati [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2019.
title = "Aquamati",
author = "Chura Ovalle, Luis Alberto",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2019"
Título: Aquamati
Autor(es): Dávila Valle, Melissa Paola; Rondon Medina, Eduardo Francisco; Navarro Tillit, Daniela Paola; Cachay Purizaga, Mario Andre; Chura Ovalle, Luis Alberto
Asesor(es): Gallardo Valencia, Julian
Palabras clave: Ozono; Ecoamigable; Osmosis inversa; Ozone; Eco-friendly; Inverse osmosis
Fecha de publicación: 3-jul-2019
Institución: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Resumen: En este proyecto se desarrolla un nuevo producto que se lanzará al mercado de aguas Premium. En este abstracto se podrá observar el procedimiento que se desarrolló para poder analizar correctamente si el proyecto es rentable o no.
Nuestro proyecto tiene como finalidad introducir al mercado un producto innovador, el cual es Aquamati; un agua ozonizada, la cual tiene diferentes beneficios con respecto a las aguas que comúnmente encontramos en el mercado. Este es un producto eco amigable, debido a que su presentación es en botella de vidrio reutilizable, y beneficioso para la salud, ya que el ozono es un purificador natural.
En este trabajo podrán observar todas las etapas en las que desarrollamos ideas, entrevistamos a posibles consumidores, establecimos hipótesis de mercado, hicimos focus group en el que se evaluó el sabor y la imagen del producto y finalmente establecimos estrategias para poder insertar nuestro producto y hacerlo competitivo.
Nuestra agua va dirigida a personas de nivel socioeconómico A y B entre 18 a 50 años que viven en Lima, con tendencia de compra de productos que incentiven la vida saludable y un perfil sofisticado.
Finalmente, en el trabajo se visualiza toda de planeamiento de actividades como las de Recursos Humanos, Marketing, Responsabilidad Social, la parte del financiamiento y la parte contable de nuestro proyecto en el cual se ve la viabilidad del negocio.
This project entails the development of a new product that will be launched to the bottled water market. In this abstract, We'll show the process developed to correctly analyze if the project was profitable or not. Our project's goal is to introduce to the market a novel product, Aquamati is ozonized water, which has several benefits that regular bottled water in the market do not, It's an eco-friendly product, being possible to reuse its glass bottle, and ozone being a natural purifier, it offers several health benefits. In this document, you will see all the phases in which we developed the core ideas, interviewed potential consumers, established market hypothesis, ran focus groups in which the product's flavor and image were evaluated, and finally designed strategies to insert our product in a way that makes it competitive. Our water is targeted towards consumers from socioeconomic status A and B, and between ages of 18 and 50 years old, that reside in Lima and have a tendency to buy products that incentivize a healthy life and a sophisticated life style. Finally, in the document you'll be able to see the planning of activities such as: human resources, marketing, social responsibility, finances, and accounting, which show the viability of the business.
This project entails the development of a new product that will be launched to the bottled water market. In this abstract, We'll show the process developed to correctly analyze if the project was profitable or not. Our project's goal is to introduce to the market a novel product, Aquamati is ozonized water, which has several benefits that regular bottled water in the market do not, It's an eco-friendly product, being possible to reuse its glass bottle, and ozone being a natural purifier, it offers several health benefits. In this document, you will see all the phases in which we developed the core ideas, interviewed potential consumers, established market hypothesis, ran focus groups in which the product's flavor and image were evaluated, and finally designed strategies to insert our product in a way that makes it competitive. Our water is targeted towards consumers from socioeconomic status A and B, and between ages of 18 and 50 years old, that reside in Lima and have a tendency to buy products that incentivize a healthy life and a sophisticated life style. Finally, in the document you'll be able to see the planning of activities such as: human resources, marketing, social responsibility, finances, and accounting, which show the viability of the business.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Administración y Recursos Humanos; Contabilidad y Administración
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Negocios
Grado o título: Bachiller en Administración y Recursos Humanos; Bachiller en Contabilidad y Administración
Fecha de registro: 23-oct-2019
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