Citas bibligráficas
Cerron, W., Cervantes, J. (2024). Actitudes de los estudiantes de medicina sobre la donación de órganos de una universidad peruana en el contexto pospandemia COVID-19 [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Cerron, W., Cervantes, J. Actitudes de los estudiantes de medicina sobre la donación de órganos de una universidad peruana en el contexto pospandemia COVID-19 []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2024.
title = "Actitudes de los estudiantes de medicina sobre la donación de órganos de una universidad peruana en el contexto pospandemia COVID-19",
author = "Cervantes Escobal, Jose Gavino",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2024"
Background: At present, organ and tissue donation with theirs subsequent transplantation is an available way of highly effective treatment. It’s commonly the gold standard and sometimes the only way to treat various chronic diseases, and thus improving people’s life quality. Globally statistics show that organ donation rate doesn’t meet the requirement of patients in waiting list. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, these statistics have decreased, so more promotion of the subject is needed. Objective: To determine medical students’ attitudes from a University in Lima, Peru towards organ donation. Methodology: Observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study. Study population was 5th, 6th and 7th year medical students. Final sample size was 123 students. A validated survey (PCID-DTO RIOS) was applied. Results: From the people who complete the survey, 64(52%) were females and 59(48%) were male. Regarding year of study, 56(45.5%) were from 5th year, 23(18.7%) from 6th year and 44(35.8%) were from 7th year. The 81.3% of the surveyed were in favour of organ donation while 13.8% had doubts about it and 4.9% was against it. Conclusions: The majority of students have a favorable attitude towards organ donation, and they also believe that by raising people's awareness the donation rate could increase. Receiving talks during the race could help improve these numbers.
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