Citas bibligráficas
Ramirez, L., (2023). Campañas de esterilización y registro de animales de compañía reportados por las municipalidades distritales de los departamentos endémicos a rabia urbana en Perú durante el periodo 2018 al 2021 [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Ramirez, L., Campañas de esterilización y registro de animales de compañía reportados por las municipalidades distritales de los departamentos endémicos a rabia urbana en Perú durante el periodo 2018 al 2021 []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2023.
title = "Campañas de esterilización y registro de animales de compañía reportados por las municipalidades distritales de los departamentos endémicos a rabia urbana en Perú durante el periodo 2018 al 2021",
author = "Ramirez Garcia, Liliana Alexandra",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2023"
The objective of the study was to determine the proportion of district and provincial municipalities of the departments of Arequipa and Puno, which carried out dog registration and identification campaigns and sterilization of dogs and domestic cats, during the period 2018 - 2021. The observational, descriptive study and retrospectively, the annual survey of the National Registry of Municipalities (RENAMU) developed by the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) was used as a source of information. The target population were the annual reports offered by the provincial and district municipalities of the departments of Arequipa (n=109) and Puno (n=110). The study variables were the proportion of municipalities that carried out dog registration and identification campaigns and companion animal sterilization campaigns in the 2018-2021 period. There was no uniformity in the number of municipalities that registered the information requested by RENAMU in every year. Between 13.8 and 33% of municipalities reported having registered and identified dogs during the study period in Arequipa (Rhos = -0.632) and between 20 and 29.6% in Puno (Rhos = -0.8). The trend was negative over time and the lowest proportion was found in 2021 in both departments. The proportion of municipalities that reported having carried out sterilization campaigns for dogs and domestic cats fluctuated between 7.3 and 20% in Arequipa (Rhos = -0.4) and between 8.2 and 15.5% (Rhos = -0.2) in Puno. The trend was negative over time and the lowest proportion was registered for the year 2021, in both departments. It is concluded that it is necessary to stimulate the municipal activities of registration and identification of dogs and control of the reproduction of domestic animals as part of the programs of responsible ownership of companion animals and compliance with the legal norms that regulate their ownership.
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