Citas bibligráficas
Torres, N., (2022). Valor percibido de la formación universitaria para la empleabilidad en egresados de psicología de una universidad privada de Lima Metropolitana [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Torres, N., Valor percibido de la formación universitaria para la empleabilidad en egresados de psicología de una universidad privada de Lima Metropolitana []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2022.
title = "Valor percibido de la formación universitaria para la empleabilidad en egresados de psicología de una universidad privada de Lima Metropolitana",
author = "Torres Muñoz, Nidia Mercedes",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2022"
The purpose of this research has been to understand the perceived value that psychology graduates of a private university in Metropolitan Lima attribute to the training they have received based on what it has meant for their employability. It was a qualitative study with a hermeneutic approach, in which 16 psychology graduates were interviewed, a semi-structured guide was used with guiding questions built by the researcher based on the categories that they wanted to explore, which are the benefits and the costs perceived in their university education, delving into the attributions of functional, social and emotional value that they assign. The main findings report that graduates attribute greater benefits than costs to their university education, since they perceive that it has provided them with conditions that have facilitated their insertion and adaptation to the professional world. The most valued benefits are the functional and social ones. Among the functional ones, the complementarity between theory and practice, the knowledge and acquired skills, high-level teachers, high academic demands and training in values and ethics stand out. On the social level, they value the great contribution of the university’s image, which has an impact on their professional status and the establishment of labor connections that allow them to position themselves in the labor market. The highest costs are the functional and emotional ones, the former imply knowledge and practices that were perceived as insufficient in the organizational and social areas, as well as rigid schedules that did not allow them to develop practices before completing their studies. Negative emotions of anger, sadness and frustration also arise in the face of the perception of not having obtained facilities to be able to graduate and of a greater interest in clinical courses and the cognitive-behavioral approach, which limited their opportunities and work development.
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