Citas bibligráficas
Llerena, C., (2005). Características de los estilos de vida de los pacientes oncológicos sometidos a quimioterapia ambulatoria en el Instituto de Enfermedades Neoplásicas, 2004 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Llerena, C., Características de los estilos de vida de los pacientes oncológicos sometidos a quimioterapia ambulatoria en el Instituto de Enfermedades Neoplásicas, 2004 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2005.
title = "Características de los estilos de vida de los pacientes oncológicos sometidos a quimioterapia ambulatoria en el Instituto de Enfermedades Neoplásicas, 2004",
author = "Llerena Arredondo, Cecilia Hortencia",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2005"
The Ufe styles are patterns of individual conductor habits incorporated by the people. Many of these styles of fe are affected by the disease still more when this is chronic líke the cancer. The chemotherapy is an aggressive treatment against this disease, plus her brings with himself, although fe expectancies, also repel the adverse effects of the drugs, which will be deteriorating the lífe style, and to which it wíll have to adapt the patient. As opposed to this context the necessity is seen to study the Tharacterístics of the styles of Ufé of the oncology patients submissive ambulatory chemotherapy“. The objective of the present study was to determine the characterístics of the styles of /te of the oncology patient submissíve ambulatory chemotherapy. One considered 87 patients of the Service of ambulatory Chemotherapy of the Institute of Neoplasm Diseases, for the respective interview survey in which parameters of life style were indicated. Between the conclusions at which they were arrived we have within the biological aspect the p atient presents/displays a change in its style of fife given by the deterioration in its feeding, they present/display fatigue, they see altered its hours of dream, they diminish its physical actívity in complex tasks, and leave of side is sexual aspect with its pair. Within the psychological aspect the patient presents/displays a change in his style of life demarcated by the deterioration in hís car image, and by its dependency in the economic thíng. He accepts hirríself more also sometimes but he tends to reject his disease. Within the social aspect the patíent féels the familiar support, which stimulates ¡t to follow ahead in its recovery, and not letting ítself win by the disease, thus also, it does not leave of síde leaving to, recreate, perhaps not as before towards but it conserves the stimulus to want to make his fife with total tranquillity and positivity.
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