Bibliographic citations
Cahua, C., (2017). La desprotección familiar como factor casual de trata de personas en el distrito de Inambari, provincia de Tambopata, departamento de Madre de Dios, año 2016. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Cahua, C., La desprotección familiar como factor casual de trata de personas en el distrito de Inambari, provincia de Tambopata, departamento de Madre de Dios, año 2016. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2017.
title = "La desprotección familiar como factor casual de trata de personas en el distrito de Inambari, provincia de Tambopata, departamento de Madre de Dios, año 2016.",
author = "Cahua Gallegos, César Augusto",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2017"
The present research work entitled: “Family unprotected as a causal factor of trafficking in persons in the District of Inambari, Province of Tambopata, Department of Madre de Dios, Year 2016“, whose context expresses that the crime of trafficking in persons constitutes a serious violation Of Human Rights perpetrated especially against children and adolescents, which has as one of its main causes to the abusive or deficient exercise of parental authority, thus configuring the omission of the duties of upbringing, food, education and care That parents have, which leads to the lack of protection or not worry about them. The present investigation, through the analysis of the data obtained in the field, demonstrates to the Peruvian community that, in order to persuade the family's lack of protection in our society, the crime of trafficking in persons will increase, since they will be potential victims of this crime, And adolescents who come from homes where the duties of parenting, feeding, education and care by the pogroms are fulfilled in a deficient or null way. The first chapter of our thesis refers to the problem and the methodological aspects of the study that is addressed in the work. In the second chapter we mention the background of the present investigation, we define the main terms that will be mentioned in the present investigation, and then developthe conceptual framework of the investigation, which includes the definition of family protection, the role of The family in society, the definition of family protection, history-evolution of family protection, causes of family vulnerability, types of family protection, consequences of family protection, definition of trafficking in persons, history of Trafficking in persons, the causes of trafficking in persons, the most frequent forms of trafficking in our country, the trafficking of persons in relation to children and Adolescents, the forms and means of trafficking in persons, the consequences of trafficking in persons; Finally, as the final theme of our conceptual framework, to give some scope of Legislative Decree No. 1297 - Legislative Decree for the Protection of Children and Adolescents without parental care or at risk of losing them. Next it is given to know the varibles and hypothesis of the investigation. In chapter three, the methodology of the research itself is developed, which includes the approach, design and type of research, the sample, probabilistic sampling, population, technique and research instruments. In this way we come to chapter IV of the research, which consists (with the application of the instruments for the collection of information and documentary analysis) in the presentation of the results, which lead us to chapter V: Conclusions, Which we highlight: 1. In the District of Inambari, parents “Sometimes“ comply with the support and education of their minor children. 2. Children and adolescents in the Inambari district are regularly treated by their parents and / or guardians, and not a single minor who maintains good relations with their parents / guardians. 3. Children and adolescents in the Inambari district have some type of abuse in their family, highlighting psychological violence. 4. In the District of Inambari, minors engaged in one type of work do so mainly due to the economic shortage of their family; Which puts them in vulnerability for the traffickers, who exploiting this situation exploit these minors. Data that allow us to affirm that trafficking in persons has as one of its main causes the family vulnerability that is taken advantage of by unscrupulous people to capture minors for the purpose of sexual and labor exploitation. Finally, taking as a reference the conclusions of the investigation, recommendations are made, the most important being that the Peruvian State and the regional government of Madre de Dios must structure a joint prevention policy so that the family's lack of protection is not predominantly in the District Of Inambari that mostly records cases of trafficking.
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