Citas bibligráficas
Gutierrez, Y., (2017). Autoestima y satisfacción con la carrera elegida de los estudiantes de preclínica de la Escuela Profesional de Estomatología de la Universidad Andina del Cusco 2017-1. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Gutierrez, Y., Autoestima y satisfacción con la carrera elegida de los estudiantes de preclínica de la Escuela Profesional de Estomatología de la Universidad Andina del Cusco 2017-1. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2017.
title = "Autoestima y satisfacción con la carrera elegida de los estudiantes de preclínica de la Escuela Profesional de Estomatología de la Universidad Andina del Cusco 2017-1.",
author = "Gutierrez Acuña, Yeni",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2017"
The present work of investigation of Self-esteem and Satisfaction with the chosen race of the students of preclinical of the Professional School of Stomatology of the Andean University of Cusco aims to determine the degree of relation between the self-esteem and the satisfaction with the chosen race in said one Institution, addressing theories related to self-esteem and satisfaction with the chosen career. The focus of the research is quantitative, descriptive-correlating scope and non-experimental-transverse design. The population consisted of 298 study units divided in the following way: 1st cycle 70 units of study; 2nd cycle 39 units of study; 3rd cycle 50 units of study, 4th cycle 51 units of study; 5th cycle 44 units of study; 6th cycle 54 units of study; Students of the professional school of Stomatology, the techniques that were used were observation and survey with their instruments observation tabs, questionnaire or questionnaire respectively, the results were processed using the statistical software Excel and SPSS. The general conclusion reached was: that if there is a relationship between self-esteem and satisfaction with the chosen career in the professional school of Stomatology and it was determined that at 95% confidence by the Chi square statistic X2 = 177,856 it can be stated That the self-esteem of the students is related to the satisfaction with the chosen career, where the degree of relation determined by the correlation of Taub-de Kendall is = 0.511, that is to say 51%, which can be considered as a very low positive correlation , Fact that allows us to assert in a purely technical concept that to better self-esteem there will be greater satisfaction with the chosen career.
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