Bibliographic citations
Muñoz, R., Carbajal, C. (2018). Análisis comparativo de las propiedades físico mecánicas del mortero elaborado con puzolana obtenida de la cantera de Pitumarca-Canchis-Cusco y cemento portland tipo I . [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Muñoz, R., Carbajal, C. Análisis comparativo de las propiedades físico mecánicas del mortero elaborado con puzolana obtenida de la cantera de Pitumarca-Canchis-Cusco y cemento portland tipo I . [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2018.
title = "Análisis comparativo de las propiedades físico mecánicas del mortero elaborado con puzolana obtenida de la cantera de Pitumarca-Canchis-Cusco y cemento portland tipo I .",
author = "Carbajal Taco, Cesar Paul",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2018"
The present investigation is referred to the study of the physical-mechanical properties of the mortar made with pozzolan obtained from the quarry of Pitumarca-Canchis-Cusco and portland cement type I when adding percentages of pozzolan to Portland Cement Type I, this evaluation will be carried out through of the elaboration of specimens, test pieces, modules and samples of mortar for the different tests proposed, with the purpose of knowing the behavior of the same when being added with pozzolan of the mentioned Zone and compared with a standard mortar made with IP Type Cement, and The mortar with elaborated with different percentages of pozzolan and the standard mortar will be manufactured under the same conditions and considering, for the elaboration of the samples, tests and data analysis Peruvian technical standards (NTP) referred to the mortar, the aggregate used in the mortar design was from the Cunyac quarry in a cement and sand dosage of 1: 2.75 and because our region of Cusco shows a significant increase, in all types of construction, which generates a high demand for IP type cement, having as the only distribution company the YURA factory that is located in the city of AREQUIPA, which sometimes does not supply all that is required by the region and generates significant losses for reasons that paralyze the construction works. Therefore, the research will provide a new alternative as a potential source of raw material to the pozzolan from the Pitumarca - Canchis area, complying with the requirements of the NTP .334.009 since the region of Cusco presents a high demand for IP type cement considering that the company with the highest demand and monopolizing the market is Yura therefore many times it has been seen that there is a shortage of IP portland cement, with respect to the above, research is carried out in order to demonstrate that the pozzolan of the Pitumarca Zone - Canchis it serves as a partial substituent of Type I Portland Cement and we achieve similar physical and mechanical properties and even superior to IP Type Portland Cement. The study will allow us to determine the adequate percentage of pozzolan to obtain a high resistance in test, a high resistance to shear stress, a good setting time and little potential expansion in the presence of sulfates.
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