Citas bibligráficas
Palacios, D., (2020). Descripción de la gestión del talento humano en el turismo de aventura – senderismo en la Agencia de Viajes Diamir, Región Cusco – 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Palacios, D., Descripción de la gestión del talento humano en el turismo de aventura – senderismo en la Agencia de Viajes Diamir, Región Cusco – 2019 [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2020.
title = "Descripción de la gestión del talento humano en el turismo de aventura – senderismo en la Agencia de Viajes Diamir, Región Cusco – 2019",
author = "Palacios Ojeda, David Ricardo",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2020"
The Diamir travel agency is a company that is dedicated to sale tourist packages, basically adventure and trekking - hiking in small groups worldwide. However, in hiking activities in Cusco province, it does not have adequate human talent management in the services it provides to its clients. The general objective is: To describe the Management of Human Talent in Adventure Tourism trekking - hiking in the Diamir Travel Agency 2019 in the Cusco province. The methodology used for the preparation of this work is quantitative, the level is descriptive, not experimental, the study sample consisted of 35 workers who work in the trekking - hiking services at the Diamir travel agency; Among them, tourist guides, muleteers and cooks are distinguished; The investigation technique was the survey and the instrument was the questionnaire prepared specifically for this investigation. The results show that in the midst of managing human talent in trekking - hiking activities at the Diamir travel agency in the Cusco province, 85% are men and 15% women, in an age range of 26 to 45 years; the staff considers that 54.29% have an excellent profile for the position, 54.29% consider that the training is regular, around 80% consider that they have an excellent job performance and, on average, 50% consider that they have a regular salary and incentives. The conclusion of the research is that the staff consider that they have an adequate and accredited profile, as well as excellent performance; while in regards to training and salary administration they consider mostly regular.
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