Bibliographic citations
Jurado, P., Vera, S. (2015). Análisis comparativo de la adherencia y resistencia, de morteros tradicional respecto a morteros de cemento portland tipo IP adicionados con cal, elaborados con agregado de la cantera de Mina Roja - Cusco. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Jurado, P., Vera, S. Análisis comparativo de la adherencia y resistencia, de morteros tradicional respecto a morteros de cemento portland tipo IP adicionados con cal, elaborados con agregado de la cantera de Mina Roja - Cusco. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2015.
title = "Análisis comparativo de la adherencia y resistencia, de morteros tradicional respecto a morteros de cemento portland tipo IP adicionados con cal, elaborados con agregado de la cantera de Mina Roja - Cusco.",
author = "Vera Cornejo, Solange Enma",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2015"
The following study was aimed at studying the properties of flexural strength by adhesion, compression strength and fluidity of traditional mortars and comparing these same added with lime, used to partition. Lime is a building material that was studied in this investigation because it is an economic and accessible material, which was formerly widely used and with the passage of time was disappearing use in construction. The preparation of samples for assays were performed as indicated in the Peruvian Technical Standards (NTP) on the mortars used for masonry; cubic samples which were 5 cm mortar prism samples side and consisting of 6 standard masonry units 9.20cm by 5.70cm wide by 19.40cm in length and height 100% solid made with cement and aggregate, these units were linked with mortar joints 1cm. These samples were tested in various ratios for each property of mortar, adding ¼ and ½ lime to the volume of cement. According to the results, conclusions were obtained, which highlight the flexural strength by adhesion was increased with the addition of lime: ¼ lime in relation to the volume of cement increased by 27.76% and ½ lime increased by 42.2%; however decreases the compressive strength by adding ¼ 8.33% lime and lime one ½ 18.68%. The fluidity was also decreased compared to the same ratio a / c: Adding lime ¼ decreases 6.84% and ½ lime one 13.67%, especially with respect to the mortar pattern. Thus it was shown that the lime is a material that enhances the functionality of mortar because its primary and most basic is the adhesion property.
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