Citas bibligráficas
Mena, J., Quispe, A. (2018). Evaluación comparativa de la resistencia a compresión y agrietamiento del concreto adicionado con fibras pet (reciclado), respecto a un concreto patrón, Cusco 2018. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Mena, J., Quispe, A. Evaluación comparativa de la resistencia a compresión y agrietamiento del concreto adicionado con fibras pet (reciclado), respecto a un concreto patrón, Cusco 2018. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2018.
title = "Evaluación comparativa de la resistencia a compresión y agrietamiento del concreto adicionado con fibras pet (reciclado), respecto a un concreto patrón, Cusco 2018.",
author = "Quispe Llano, Alex Junior",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2018"
The present work of investigation “Comparative evaluation of the resistance to compression and cracking of the concrete added with fibers pet (recycled), with respect to a concrete pattern, cusco 2018“. Its purpose is to evaluate the influence of PET (recycled) fibers on concrete in the properties of resistance to compression and cracking. For this, concrete witnesses were used, which were manufactured with fine aggregates of the Vicho and Cunyac quarries, coarse aggregate of the Vicho quarry, Yura IP Type cement, PET (recycled) fibers of dimensions, high 0.5cm and variable length of 1.5 cm and 3.0 cm; The design of mixtures for concrete briquettes was calculated under the parameters of the ACI 211.1 standard for a design of f'c = 210kg / cm2. The concrete briquettes were tested at 28 days for the compression strength tests and the rectangular specimens were tested every 24 hours. Weight - volume ratios of 900kg / m3 and 1200kg /m3 were used. We could appreciate that by adding PET (recycled) fibers with variable dimensions and weights to the concrete mix. Increases the compressive strength and better controls the cracking, but the compressive strength is affected as more fibers are added to the mixture. The best results were observed in the dosages of the 3.0 cm fiber in the amount of 900 gr / m3 of concrete satisfies the claims of reduction of cracks, but does not exceed the addition of 1200gr / m3 of concrete that this reduces in a better way the cracks, but for the purpose of preserving the compressive strength, only the aforementioned addition of 900gr / m3 of concrete should be used.
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