Citas bibligráficas
Suenaga, K., (2018). La influencia del crecimiento económico y el gasto público en educación en el desarrollo humano de la Región Cusco para el periodo 1999-2015. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Suenaga, K., La influencia del crecimiento económico y el gasto público en educación en el desarrollo humano de la Región Cusco para el periodo 1999-2015. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2018.
title = "La influencia del crecimiento económico y el gasto público en educación en el desarrollo humano de la Región Cusco para el periodo 1999-2015.",
author = "Suenaga García, Kiyomi Josefina",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2018"
Over the years, it can be observed that both the relationship between economic growth and human development, as well as the relationship between public spending on education and human development, have been complex, since many times only economic growth or the monetary increase of the public budget for education as drivers of human development. In this research, the subject is related to the influence of regional Gross Domestic Product [GDP] growth and Public Expenditure on education in the Region with the improvement of the Human Development Index registered for the Region of Cusco in the period 1999 to 2015. The procedure starts by analyzing the evolution of regional GDP and public spending on education executed in the Cusco Region during the analysis period, comparing the evolution of the variables with the results in terms of production and academic performance. In the same way, a description of the evolution of the HDI in the Cusco Region is made during the study period. Finally, for the testing of the hypotheses, an econometric analysis was carried out through which the following conclusions were obtained: - It is noted that both the GDP growth and the increased budgetary allocations for education do not contribute to the improvement registered in the regional HDI. - The passing of time (Trend) is the variable that explains the progressive improvement of the HDI. It is the independent effort of the population the best driver of human development evidenced in the regional scope.
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