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Flores, M., (2022). Sistema registral constitutivo y la garantía del derecho de propiedad en el Perú [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Flores, M., Sistema registral constitutivo y la garantía del derecho de propiedad en el Perú []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2022.
title = "Sistema registral constitutivo y la garantía del derecho de propiedad en el Perú",
author = "Flores Medina, Miluska",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2022"
Title: Sistema registral constitutivo y la garantía del derecho de propiedad en el Perú
Authors(s): Flores Medina, Miluska
Advisor(s): Livia Robalino, Wilma Yecela
Keywords: Sistema declarativo; Sistema constitutivo; Partida registral
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 5-May-2022
Institution: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Abstract: El Derecho Registral viene adquiriendo más relevancia de una manera
vertiginosa desde unos años atrás, por lo que cada vez más personas confían en la
Superintendencia De Los Registros Públicos – SUNARP , sin embargo no en muchos
casos la información que otorga esta entidad resulta ser fidedigna pese a la llamada
seguridad jurídica que esta ofrece, en nuestro país las inscripciones de muebles e
inmuebles son declarativas lo que indica que están sujetas a criterio de los propietarios,
en tal sentido el propietario que figura en SUNARP no necesariamente es quien
efectivamente es el último propietario generando de esta manera un tracto registral difícil
de inscribir por múltiples motivos ajenos al registro, por lo que incluso se realizó una
modificación al código civil en su art. 2014 en virtud del cual tenemos la obligación de
buscar en los títulos archivados existentes de la partida objeto de compra venta que
efectivamente el propietario es el que consta en la partida electrónica y que en caso de
demostrase que se conocía la inexactitud de la partida el comprador pierde su derecho,
por lo que este articulo desvirtúa la pretendida protección jurídica que SUNARP nos
ofrece; en tal sentido de implementarse un sistema constitutivo en nuestro país no
tendríamos tal inconveniente pues todos los actos fuera del registro no existirían, con lo
cual aseguramos la existencia del verdadero propietario frente a la sociedad, sin miedo a
perder nuestro bien adquirido; quizás un modelo a seguir de manera progresiva puede ser
el de Republica Dominicana que tiene ambos sistemas para su predios, donde se presume
que todos los terrenos pertenecen al estado, salvo aquellos debidamente inscritos en el
registro y aquellos que pertenecen al sistema declarativo constan inscritos en el registro
solo como fuente de información para el público en general más no otorgan certeza de su
existencia ni mucho menos de sus antecedentes de posesión que tuviera, de tal modo que
de implementarse un sistema constitutivo nos brindaría múltiples beneficios desde una
seguridad jurídica, una notable reducción en los procesos judiciales como nulidad de
escritura pública, estelionatos entre otros, así también un mayor flujo económico en
nuestra economía, la posibilidad de vender bases graficas debidamente delimitadas, no
obstante a los beneficios esta implementación debe ser progresiva y sin retroceso.
The Registry Law has been acquiring more relevance in a vertiginous way since a few years ago, for which more and more people trust the Superintendence of Public Registries - SUNARP, however, not in many cases the information provided by this entity turns out to be reliable despite Due to the so-called legal certainty that this offers, in our country the inscriptions of movable and immovable property are declarative, which indicates that they are subject to the criteria of the owners, in this sense, the owner that appears in SUNARP is not necessarily the one who is actually the last owner. thus generating a registry tract difficult to register for multiple reasons unrelated to the registry, for which a modification was even made to the civil code in its art. 2014 by virtue of which we have the obligation to search in the existing archived titles of the item of sale that the owner is indeed the one that appears in the electronic item and that if it were shown that the inaccuracy of the item was known, the buyer loses its right, so this article distorts the alleged legal protection that SUNARP offers us; In this sense, if a constitutive system is implemented in our country, we would not have such an inconvenience because all the acts outside the registry would not exist, with which we ensure the existence of the true owner before society, without fear of losing our acquired asset; Perhaps a model to progressively follow could be that of the Dominican Republic, which has both systems for its properties, where it is presumed that all the land belongs to the state, except for those duly registered in the registry and those that belong to the declarative system are registered in the the registry only as a source of information for the general public, but they do not grant certainty of its existence, much less of its history of possession, in such a way that if a constitutive system is implemented it would offer us multiple benefits from legal certainty, a notable reduction in judicial processes such as nullity of public deed, stelionates among others, as well as a greater economic flow in our economy, the possibility of selling duly delimited graphic bases, despite the benefits this implementation must be progressive and without setbacks.
The Registry Law has been acquiring more relevance in a vertiginous way since a few years ago, for which more and more people trust the Superintendence of Public Registries - SUNARP, however, not in many cases the information provided by this entity turns out to be reliable despite Due to the so-called legal certainty that this offers, in our country the inscriptions of movable and immovable property are declarative, which indicates that they are subject to the criteria of the owners, in this sense, the owner that appears in SUNARP is not necessarily the one who is actually the last owner. thus generating a registry tract difficult to register for multiple reasons unrelated to the registry, for which a modification was even made to the civil code in its art. 2014 by virtue of which we have the obligation to search in the existing archived titles of the item of sale that the owner is indeed the one that appears in the electronic item and that if it were shown that the inaccuracy of the item was known, the buyer loses its right, so this article distorts the alleged legal protection that SUNARP offers us; In this sense, if a constitutive system is implemented in our country, we would not have such an inconvenience because all the acts outside the registry would not exist, with which we ensure the existence of the true owner before society, without fear of losing our acquired asset; Perhaps a model to progressively follow could be that of the Dominican Republic, which has both systems for its properties, where it is presumed that all the land belongs to the state, except for those duly registered in the registry and those that belong to the declarative system are registered in the the registry only as a source of information for the general public, but they do not grant certainty of its existence, much less of its history of possession, in such a way that if a constitutive system is implemented it would offer us multiple benefits from legal certainty, a notable reduction in judicial processes such as nullity of public deed, stelionates among others, as well as a greater economic flow in our economy, the possibility of selling duly delimited graphic bases, despite the benefits this implementation must be progressive and without setbacks.
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Discipline: Derecho Registral y Notarial
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Escuela de Pos Grado
Grade or title: Maestra en Derecho Registral y Notarial
Juror: Velásquez Delgado, Percy; Bravo Melgar, Sidney Alex; Ortiz Diaz, Renzo Guillermo; Zuñiga Marino, Miguel Angel
Register date: 14-Oct-2022
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