Citas bibligráficas
Huallpamayta, Y., (2023). Factores que determinan la vulneración del derecho de defensa en los procesos de filiación extramatrimonial en el juzgado de paz letrado en el distrito Sicuani-Cusco 2022 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Huallpamayta, Y., Factores que determinan la vulneración del derecho de defensa en los procesos de filiación extramatrimonial en el juzgado de paz letrado en el distrito Sicuani-Cusco 2022 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2023.
title = "Factores que determinan la vulneración del derecho de defensa en los procesos de filiación extramatrimonial en el juzgado de paz letrado en el distrito Sicuani-Cusco 2022",
author = "Huallpamayta Soto, Yamy Lucero",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2023"
The present investigation “FACTORS THAT DETERMINE THE VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT OF DEFENSE IN EXTRA-MARITAL AFFILIATION PROCESSES IN THE LEGAL PEACE COURT IN THE SICUANI-CUSCO 2022 DISTRICT” aimed to establish the factors that determine the violation of the right of defense in the processes of extramarital affiliation in the Legal Peace Court of Sicuani – Cusco 2022. For this purpose, a qualitative approach study was used. The study unit was made up of 5 lawyers and analysis of 5 judicial files on extrajudicial affiliation processes. The techniques and instruments used were an expert interview guide and a file analysis sheet. From the results, the improper location was identified, the factor of the absence of the lawsuit, the economic limitation was identified and also the educational barrier, which significantly compromises the right to defense, however, it generates inequality and asymmetry between the parties, in the Processes. of Extramarital Affiliation in the Legal Peace Court of Sicuani in the year 2022.
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