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Cuno, S., (2024). Razones fácticas y jurídicas para el cambio de nombre a nivel notarial en el Perú [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Cuno, S., Razones fácticas y jurídicas para el cambio de nombre a nivel notarial en el Perú []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2024.
title = "Razones fácticas y jurídicas para el cambio de nombre a nivel notarial en el Perú",
author = "Cuno Tumi, Sandra",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2024"
Título: Razones fácticas y jurídicas para el cambio de nombre a nivel notarial en el Perú
Autor(es): Cuno Tumi, Sandra
Asesor(es): Castro Cuba Barineza, Isaac Enrique
Palabras clave: Cambio de nombre; Competencia notarial; La función notarial; Asunto no contencioso
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 29-ago-2024
Institución: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Resumen: La presente investigación intitulada “Razones fácticas y jurídicas para el cambio de
nombre a nivel notarial en el Perú”, tuvo como objetivo general, identificar las razones
fácticas y jurídicas para la celebración del cambio de nombre en sede notarial en la
Legislación Peruana”. En la metodología, se utilizó el enfoque que viene a ser cualitativo,
el tipo de investigación jurídica es el dogmático propositivo puesto que se aborda un tema
referido al cambio de nombre orientándose a un estudio propositivo. La presente
investigación comprende el estudio de la realidad nacional con la normativa vigente
aplicable al proceso no contencioso de cambio de nombre en el Perú y su posible
incorporación a la función notarial, acudiendo al derecho comparado donde se analiza la
competencia de los notarios en Guatemala, Colombia, El Salvador y Perú; con el
propósito de entender que el cambio de nombre puede ser de competencia del Notario en
el Perú como un asunto no contencioso. También se explicará el procedimiento judicial
vigente para el cambio de nombre en el Perú y las dificultades que viene presentado el
cambio de nombre a través del proceso judicial; asimismo, se analizará las ventajas que
se derivarían si se faculta la celebración del cambio de nombre en sede notarial y
determinar la fórmula legal para facultar el cambio de nombre en sede notarial en la
legislación peruana. Como conclusión se tiene que el notario peruano ha adquirido
competencia de varios asuntos no conteciosos que anteriormente se tramitaban solo por
proceso judicial; tal es asi la sucesión intestada, el divorcio, el desalojo notarial entre otros
y ha demostrado que sus trámites son eficientes, rápidos, cumplen los plazos y ha sido un
aporte para la sociedad que necesita hacer éste tipo de trámites; por tal razón el notario
está en la condición de realizar en cambio de nombre debido a que se trata de un
procedimiento donde no hay controversia y por tanto puede ser asumido perfectamente
por el notario. Finalmente se recomienda la necesidad de contar con una regulación
legislativa que permita al notario la celebración del cambio de nombre en nuestro país.
The present investigation entitled “Factual and legal reasons for the name change at the notarial level in Peru”, had as a general objective, to identify the factual and legal reasons for the celebration of the name change at the notarial headquarters in the Peruvian Legislation. In the methodology, the approach that is qualitative was used, the type of legal research is dogmatic propositional since it addresses a topic related to name change oriented towards a propositional study. The present investigation includes the study of the national reality with the current regulations applicable to the non-contentious name change process in Peru and its possible incorporation into the notarial function, turning to comparative law where the competence of notaries in Guatemala is analyzed. Colombia, El Salvador and Peru; with the purpose of understanding that the name change may be within the jurisdiction of the Notary in Peru as a non-contentious matter. The current judicial procedure for name change in Peru and the difficulties that name change presents through the judicial process will also be explained; Likewise, the advantages that would arise if the celebration of the name change in a notarial office is authorized and the legal formula to authorize the name change in a notarial office in Peruvian legislation will be analyzed. In conclusion, the Peruvian notary has acquired jurisdiction over several noncontentious matters that were previously processed only by judicial process; This is the case with intestate succession, divorce, notarial eviction, among others, and it has demonstrated that its procedures are efficient, fast, meet deadlines, and have been a contribution to society that needs to carry out this type of procedure; For this reason, the notary is in a position to carry out a name change because it is a procedure where there is no controversy and therefore can be assumed perfectly by the notary. Finally, the need to have a legislative regulation that allows the notary to carry out the name change in our country is recommended.
The present investigation entitled “Factual and legal reasons for the name change at the notarial level in Peru”, had as a general objective, to identify the factual and legal reasons for the celebration of the name change at the notarial headquarters in the Peruvian Legislation. In the methodology, the approach that is qualitative was used, the type of legal research is dogmatic propositional since it addresses a topic related to name change oriented towards a propositional study. The present investigation includes the study of the national reality with the current regulations applicable to the non-contentious name change process in Peru and its possible incorporation into the notarial function, turning to comparative law where the competence of notaries in Guatemala is analyzed. Colombia, El Salvador and Peru; with the purpose of understanding that the name change may be within the jurisdiction of the Notary in Peru as a non-contentious matter. The current judicial procedure for name change in Peru and the difficulties that name change presents through the judicial process will also be explained; Likewise, the advantages that would arise if the celebration of the name change in a notarial office is authorized and the legal formula to authorize the name change in a notarial office in Peruvian legislation will be analyzed. In conclusion, the Peruvian notary has acquired jurisdiction over several noncontentious matters that were previously processed only by judicial process; This is the case with intestate succession, divorce, notarial eviction, among others, and it has demonstrated that its procedures are efficient, fast, meet deadlines, and have been a contribution to society that needs to carry out this type of procedure; For this reason, the notary is in a position to carry out a name change because it is a procedure where there is no controversy and therefore can be assumed perfectly by the notary. Finally, the need to have a legislative regulation that allows the notary to carry out the name change in our country is recommended.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Derecho Registral y Notarial
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Escuela de Pos Grado
Grado o título: Maestra en Derecho Registral y Notarial
Jurado: Hermosa Rosell, Ivan Herik; Salazar Mujica, Alan Felipe; Flores Medina, Miluska; Gibaja Zapata, Carmen Natalia
Fecha de registro: 28-nov-2024
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