Citas bibligráficas
Cruz, G., (2021). Condiciones turísticas para la práctica del senderismo en el Santuario Nacional de Ampay, provincia de Abancay 2021 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Cruz, G., Condiciones turísticas para la práctica del senderismo en el Santuario Nacional de Ampay, provincia de Abancay 2021 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2021.
title = "Condiciones turísticas para la práctica del senderismo en el Santuario Nacional de Ampay, provincia de Abancay 2021",
author = "Cruz Aguilar, Gerardo German",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2021"
The present research entitled "TOURIST CONDITIONS FOR THE PRACTICE OF HIKING IN THE NATIONAL SANCTUARY OF AMPAY, PROVINCE OF ABANCAY 2021", has as a general objective to describe the Tourist Conditions for the Practice of Hiking in the National Sanctuary of Ampay, Province of Abancay 2021 The methodology used is of correlational scope and quantitative approach, of non-experimental design. Data collection was carried out using a survey that was applied in a virtual way that contained closed items. The sample consisted of 76 visitors to the Ampay National Sanctuary. The Hiking variable shows the results that 59.2% of visitors are not very suitable, for 30.3% it is adequate, and 6.6% is inappropriate. 2.6% indicate that it is very adequate and 1.3% indicate that the Conditions for the Practice of Hiking in the National Sanctuary of Ampay, province of Abancay 2021, are very inadequate, taking into account that Hiking is a tourist activity in development that requires that the Natural Areas have the protection and adequate management with Constructions that respond to the Design of Trails as part of the Planning processes in favor of the satisfaction of the Visitors. Likewise, proposals and recommendations are presented that have the purpose of contributing to the strengthening of tourism management and that the Hiking activities that are being directed at the Ampay National Sanctuary allow its strengthening and revitalization.
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