Citas bibligráficas
Qquenaya, J., (2018). Evaluación comparativa de la capacidad de soporte y densidad máxima para sub base adicionado con cemento portland ip respecto a la adición de cloruro de sodio (nacl) en porcentajes de 2%, 4%, 6% elaborados con material de la cantera de Anahuarque – Saylla. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Qquenaya, J., Evaluación comparativa de la capacidad de soporte y densidad máxima para sub base adicionado con cemento portland ip respecto a la adición de cloruro de sodio (nacl) en porcentajes de 2%, 4%, 6% elaborados con material de la cantera de Anahuarque – Saylla. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2018.
title = "Evaluación comparativa de la capacidad de soporte y densidad máxima para sub base adicionado con cemento portland ip respecto a la adición de cloruro de sodio (nacl) en porcentajes de 2%, 4%, 6% elaborados con material de la cantera de Anahuarque – Saylla.",
author = "Qquenaya Champi, Jhon Álvaro",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2018"
The present research thesis: “Comparative evaluation of the support capacity and maximum density for sub base added with Portland cement IP with respect to the addition of sodium chloride (NaCl) in percentages of 2%, 4%, 6% made with material of the quarry of Anahuarque - Saylla “, made in the Universidad Andina Del Cusco was to determine the mechanical properties that it has when adding cement and sodium chloride (NaCl) of maras in percentages of 2, 4 and 6% for granular sub bases; To see its improvement, the CBR test was carried out on cement and sodium chloride at 100% of its Maximum Dry Density. It was started with a characterization of the natural material without addition (granulometry, limits, abrasion, sand equivalent and soluble salts) based on the requirements of the Ce.010 urban pavement standard, the optimum moisture content for the natural sample was found, with the addition of cement and with the addition of sodium chloride in the aforementioned percentages and we finish with the CBR test. For the development of this research the material was extracted from the quarry of Anahuarque - Saylla, the cement used was of the IP type and the Sodium Chloride was the bagging of maras. When adding sodium chloride, an increase in CBR was observed, as well as an increase in its dry density, as well as a decrease in optimum humidity due to the fact that sodium chloride, being hygroscopic, absorbs moisture from the environment and at the same time avoids that the water evaporates. The results of this research are variable and indicate that an increase in the value of the support capacity can be achieved, the dry density with cement and sodium chloride (NaCl). In this way it was concluded that adding cement in 2% percentages based on the dry weight of the material shows a better increase in the CBR in relation to the CBR of sodium chloride in percentages of 2%, 4% and 6%.
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