Citas bibligráficas
Ochoa, L., Vargas, Y. (2018). Derecho a la verdad biológica y la aplicación de normas contenidas en la ley 28457 que regula el proceso de filiación de paternidad extramatrimonial: estudio realizado en los juzgados de paz letrado de Cusco y Wanchaq 2014-2015. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Ochoa, L., Vargas, Y. Derecho a la verdad biológica y la aplicación de normas contenidas en la ley 28457 que regula el proceso de filiación de paternidad extramatrimonial: estudio realizado en los juzgados de paz letrado de Cusco y Wanchaq 2014-2015. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2018.
title = "Derecho a la verdad biológica y la aplicación de normas contenidas en la ley 28457 que regula el proceso de filiación de paternidad extramatrimonial: estudio realizado en los juzgados de paz letrado de Cusco y Wanchaq 2014-2015.",
author = "Vargas Bejarano, Yaquelin Vargas",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2018"
Throughout the investigation, it has been determined that when applying the norms contained in Law 28457, which regulates the affiliation process of paternity of children born out of wedlock, a violation to the biological truth is generated. In fact, in the absence of a specific mechanism of notification, the norms laid down in Articles 160 and 161 of the Civil Procedure Code are supplementarily applied. The latter does not guarantee that the person to be summoned becomes aware of the fact that legal proceedings are being taken against him, and he is not able to oppose the process. This is because the notification certificate with the judicial notice can be slipped under the door. On the other hand, the Peace and Civil Court Judges are able to declare the affiliation of paternity of children born out of wedlock despite the absence of DNA testing that establishes that the man in fact is the child’s biological father. This is what happened in the Courts part of this research, although oppositions existed, only one defendant carried out the DNA test. In addition, the defendant is required to bear the cost of the DNA test despite his opposition, it may happen that he is not able to pay the test. Under these circumstances, it becomes clear the violation to the biological truth, since the affiliation is declared without any kind of support.
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