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Condori, R., (2022). Satisfacción laboral del personal administrativo de la Municipalidad Provincial de Acomayo - 2020 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Condori, R., Satisfacción laboral del personal administrativo de la Municipalidad Provincial de Acomayo - 2020 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2022.
title = "Satisfacción laboral del personal administrativo de la Municipalidad Provincial de Acomayo - 2020",
author = "Condori Mollapaza, Roxana",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2022"
Título: Satisfacción laboral del personal administrativo de la Municipalidad Provincial de Acomayo - 2020
Autor(es): Condori Mollapaza, Roxana
Asesor(es): Lira Jiménez, Giovana
Palabras clave: Satisfacción laboral; Colaboradores; Gobierno local
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 1-mar-2022
Institución: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Resumen: La presente investigación, tuvo como objetivo general describir la satisfacción laboral del
personal administrativo de la Municipalidad Provincial de Acomayo - 2020, a través de sus
cinco dimensiones: índole del trabajo, supervisión laboral, remuneración, oportunidad de
ascenso y relaciones con los compañeros. Esta investigación es de enfoque cuantitativo, de
diseño no experimental y de alcance descriptivo. La población de estudio está conformada por
32 colaboradores que laboran en esta entidad pública, a los cuales se les aplicó el cuestionario
sobre satisfacción laboral, los resultados fueron procesados utilizando el estadístico SPSS y
Excel, nos dan a conocer que los colaboradores del gobierno local muestran regular
satisfacción laboral evidenciado con el 74.2% del total que así lo manifiesta; asimismo, el
3.2% afirma estar muy satisfechos, mientras que el 22.6% consideran insatisfechos. En ese
sentido, este estudio llega a la conclusión que los colaboradores de la municipalidad, en su
mayoría, muestran regular satisfacción laboral, consideramos que los trabajadores no
evidencian una total satisfacción, porque existen factores que vienen incidiendo en la
insatisfacción lo cual no contribuye a logro de los objetivos de la institución. Las dimensiones
que representan mayor medición de insatisfacción son índole del trabajo con un promedio
2.21, la dimensión supervisión laboral se obtuvo un promedio de 2.57 y la dimensión
remuneraciones tiene un promedio de 2.60 y por ultimo las dimensiones que presentan
medición de satisfacción son oportunidad de ascender con un promedio de 4.27 y la
dimensión relaciones con los compañeros tiene un promedio de 4.46.
The general objective of this research is to describe the job satisfaction of the administrative staff of the Provincial Municipality of Acomayo - 2020, through its five dimensions: nature of work, job supervision, remuneration, opportunity for promotion and relationships with colleagues. This research has a quantitative approach, a non-experimental design and a descriptive scope. The study population is made up of 32 collaborators who work in this public entity, to whom the questionnaire on job satisfaction was applied, the results were processed using the SPSS and Excel statistics, they let us know that the collaborators of the local government show regular job satisfaction evidenced with 74.2% of the total that expresses it; likewise, 3.2% state that they are very satisfied, while 22.6% consider that they are dissatisfied. In this sense, this study concludes that the employees of the municipality, for the most part, show regular job satisfaction, we consider that the workers do not show total satisfaction, because there are factors that have influenced dissatisfaction which does not contribute to achievement of the institution's goals. The dimensions that represent the greatest measurement of dissatisfaction are the nature of the work with an average of 2.21, the labor supervision dimension obtained an average of 2.57 and the remuneration dimension has an average of 2.60 and finally the dimensions that present measurement of satisfaction are opportunity to ascend with an average of 4.27 and the dimension relationships with peers has an average of 4.46.
The general objective of this research is to describe the job satisfaction of the administrative staff of the Provincial Municipality of Acomayo - 2020, through its five dimensions: nature of work, job supervision, remuneration, opportunity for promotion and relationships with colleagues. This research has a quantitative approach, a non-experimental design and a descriptive scope. The study population is made up of 32 collaborators who work in this public entity, to whom the questionnaire on job satisfaction was applied, the results were processed using the SPSS and Excel statistics, they let us know that the collaborators of the local government show regular job satisfaction evidenced with 74.2% of the total that expresses it; likewise, 3.2% state that they are very satisfied, while 22.6% consider that they are dissatisfied. In this sense, this study concludes that the employees of the municipality, for the most part, show regular job satisfaction, we consider that the workers do not show total satisfaction, because there are factors that have influenced dissatisfaction which does not contribute to achievement of the institution's goals. The dimensions that represent the greatest measurement of dissatisfaction are the nature of the work with an average of 2.21, the labor supervision dimension obtained an average of 2.57 and the remuneration dimension has an average of 2.60 and finally the dimensions that present measurement of satisfaction are opportunity to ascend with an average of 4.27 and the dimension relationships with peers has an average of 4.46.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Administración
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables
Grado o título: Licenciado en Administración
Jurado: Villafuerte Salazar, Shirley; Rodríguez Palma, Antonio; Loayza Chacara, Mercedes Fidelia; Zamalloa Calvo, Tania
Fecha de registro: 7-oct-2022
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