Citas bibligráficas
Boza, R., Molina, J. (2018). Análisis comparativo según los criterios de seguridad y operación a nivel de diseño geométrico de la ruta Arco Tica Tica - Chinchero usando los manuales de diseño dg2014 peruano, manual de diseño geométrico ecuatoriano de carreteras 2003, y manual de diseño geométrico de carreteras colombiano 2008 en la Region Del Cusco. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Boza, R., Molina, J. Análisis comparativo según los criterios de seguridad y operación a nivel de diseño geométrico de la ruta Arco Tica Tica - Chinchero usando los manuales de diseño dg2014 peruano, manual de diseño geométrico ecuatoriano de carreteras 2003, y manual de diseño geométrico de carreteras colombiano 2008 en la Region Del Cusco. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2018.
title = "Análisis comparativo según los criterios de seguridad y operación a nivel de diseño geométrico de la ruta Arco Tica Tica - Chinchero usando los manuales de diseño dg2014 peruano, manual de diseño geométrico ecuatoriano de carreteras 2003, y manual de diseño geométrico de carreteras colombiano 2008 en la Region Del Cusco.",
author = "Molina Loaiza, Jhonattan Alexander",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2018"
In the research, the geometric design for the most viable alternative route to the Arco Tica Tica - Chinchero zone was carried out, analyzing the existing and new routes by means of a route evaluation chart, finding the projected annual average daily index, given data from the count done at the Alejandro Velasco Astete Airport, and later the geometric design was determined for the most viable alternative route with the support of the three design manuals: Road Manual “Geometric Design (DG2014) Peruvian, Manual of Ecuadorian geometric design of roads 2003, and manual of Colombian geometric design of Roads 2008 “, the object of study of this thesis: is to make a comparative analysis according to the criteria of SAFETY and OPERATION for the route Arco Tica Tica - Chinchero in which it will be determined which regulation presents the greatest requirement in its regulations according to these criteria.. The Methodology that was used was: First of a non-experimental type because we study our variables as they are, without altering the terrain, it shows us its natural state where we see the characteristics of the area and on those characteristics we carry out our route recognition. Second through the application of the design manuals: Road Manual Geometric Design (DG-2014) Peruvian, Manual of Ecuadorian design geometric of roads 2003, and Manual of geometric design of roads Colombian 2008. It was determined the geometric designs for the route chosen, for this purpose documentary information was used (topographic sheet to bring the leveling of the starting point to the final point), analysis sheets and field observation guide as topographic maps, geological charts, models of formats validated by the assessor and specialized bibliography as well as the help of specialists in the geological field, both for the study of routes and the definition of the final route, evaluated IMDA, geometric design and final comparison. The projected IMDA is determined in the investigation and the appropriate geometrical design for the Arco Tica Tica-Chinchero route is defined in addition to its final comparison according to the criteria initially established by the thesis, which are SAFETY and OPERATION; Finally, a conclusion was generated that the hypothesis has been demonstrated, obtaining an IMDA projected to the year 2036 equal to 29,859 veh /day, being able to analyze the existing and new route alternatives to the Arco TicaChinchero zone, selecting the appropriate route alternative for the Arco TicaChinchero route, where in general terms already modified according to The software used, has a total length according to the Peruvian DG-2014 of 12 + 997.55 Km; according to the Ecuadorian 2003 manual, a length of 12 + 999.20 Km, and finally according to the Colombian manual 2008 a length of 13 + 183.07 Km. It has been possible to make the geometric design of the road for the chosen route alternative, and according to the Comparative analysis made according to the criteria of SAFETY and OPERATION therefore, it was determined that, by majority of percentage in terms of requirement, the Manual of Ecuadorian design geometric of roads 2003 has a higher requirement in its parameters than the Manual of geometric design of roads Colombian 2008 and the manual DG-2014 Peruvian , since in minimum parameters, it respects its regulations embodied in the route under study, therefore, it did not conform to this design, on the other hand, in other parameters, if it fulfilled the minimum established in distances or lengths reflected in the aforementioned route, demonstrating the general hypothesis raised. Following, in safety criteria, both the Manual of Ecuadorian Geometric Design of Roads 2003 have a higher requirement in their parameters, and in operation criteria the DG-2014 has a higher requirement in its parameters, since there are no running speed and operation criteria in the other two manuals for the Arco Tica Tica - Chinchero route. On the other hand, partially demonstrating that the DG-2014 tries to adapt to the proposed alignment of the route and offers better conditions in question to acceptable values in some minimum parameters in the design, both the Ecuadorian Geometric Design Manual for Roads 2003 and the manual of geometric design of roads Colombian 2008 also offer in some parameters a better condition always respecting its parameters of current regulations. Finally, it was demonstrated that for the Peruvian DG-2014 and Manual of Ecuadorian geometric design of roads have 2 homogeneous sections in the length of its route, however, the manual of geometric design of Colombian roads 2008 presents 3 homogeneous sections in its design.
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