Citas bibligráficas
Roca, C., Cárdenas, N. (2016). Efectos en la rentabilidad del apalancamiento operativo en la Empresa de Transportes Liebre S.R.L. periodo 2015. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Roca, C., Cárdenas, N. Efectos en la rentabilidad del apalancamiento operativo en la Empresa de Transportes Liebre S.R.L. periodo 2015. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2016.
title = "Efectos en la rentabilidad del apalancamiento operativo en la Empresa de Transportes Liebre S.R.L. periodo 2015.",
author = "Cárdenas Mora, Numen Julissa",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2016"
This research paper whose main objective is levels set fixed nd variable costs in providing services with transport units with capacity of 25 and 40 passengers on the carrier Liebre S.R.L. To determine the effect of operating leverage in the company hare transport for the decision to renew the vehicle fleet For the development of the theory has been applied scientific process and procedures established by various authors; and the methodology, techniques and instruments established by the rules of our Andean University of Cusco. To get to solve the problem and contrast of the objectives the thesis has been developed in the following chapters: CHAPTER I.- This chapter refers to the introduction, it builds the basis of the research: Problem, objectives, rationale and importance of the research, delimitation and limitation of the study. CHAPTER II.- The chapter contains the theoretical framework of the research: Background related research, theoretical, conceptual framework, variables and indicators. CHAPTER III.-This chapter is based on the Methodological Design: contains the scope of Research, population, sample, data collection technique and data processing. CHAPTER IV.-This chapter contains the results of the tables and graphs with their analysis and interpretation of the survey Contains. CHAPTER V.- Discussion and verification of contrasting objectives as a way to get to determine the conclusions and recommendations of the thesis work. Subsequently it contains the conclusions and recommendations of the thesis. Finally, the bibliography and the thesis that demonstrates the consistency of this is manifest.
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