Citas bibligráficas
Cairo, J., Ugarte, O. (2018). La banca comunal y el financiamiento de actividades agrícolas y ganaderas por los pobladores del distrito de Checca Canas Cusco periodo 2016. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Cairo, J., Ugarte, O. La banca comunal y el financiamiento de actividades agrícolas y ganaderas por los pobladores del distrito de Checca Canas Cusco periodo 2016. [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2018.
title = "La banca comunal y el financiamiento de actividades agrícolas y ganaderas por los pobladores del distrito de Checca Canas Cusco periodo 2016.",
author = "Ugarte Cruz, Oscar Jhonatan",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2018"
The present study, entitled “COMMUNAL BANKING AND THE FINANCING OF AGRICULTURAL AND LIVESTOCK ACTIVITIES BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CHECCA CANAS DISTRICT CUSCO PERIOD 2016.“, has as a social objective the reduction of poverty in the families of microentrepreneurs, which the income of one of its members is increased, specifically the income of women, where it is destined to improve food, health, education and in general the quality of life of the families of the participants. Additionally, it is expected that the participation of women in the communal banks will improve their social status and their bargaining power within the family. On the other hand, they are organizations created by NGOs, whose objective is to improve the socio-economic conditions of mixed groups of scarce resources through activities such as: Credit, Organization, Savings and Training. The present investigation concludes that the Banca Comunal as financial organizations of small capitals, led by women, have the purpose of granting small loans for the development of economic activities, in this sense in the district of Checca Canas Cusco, it has contributed effectively to the development and growth of agricultural and livestock activities, allowing the economic development of the inhabitants of the district of Checca Canas Cusco, as evidenced by the results of this research chapter IV, table 12 and graph 11 where it is observed that 80% of the members of the board of directors of the communal bank agree that the loans granted to the residents of the district of Checca Canas, both for the agricultural and livestock activity by the Communal Bank if it contributes to the development and growth of said activities, in the same way Community Banking partners also affirm this version, as can be seen in table 28 and chart 26, where 65% of users agree that the loans they obtain from the Communal Bank if they allow them to improve the development of their agriculture and livestock activities in the district of Checca Canas Cusco. Experience has shown that the poor save. In fact, for the lower-income sectors of rural areas, safe and flexible savings plans are more important than access to credit. About the role of Savings.
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