Citas bibligráficas
Choquehuanca, E., Espinoza, N. (2023). La aplicación del acuerdo plenario N°2-2005/cj-116 en las sentencias de violación sexual en agravio de menores de edad en el distrito judicial de Cusco durante los años 2018 - 2022 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Choquehuanca, E., Espinoza, N. La aplicación del acuerdo plenario N°2-2005/cj-116 en las sentencias de violación sexual en agravio de menores de edad en el distrito judicial de Cusco durante los años 2018 - 2022 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2023.
title = "La aplicación del acuerdo plenario N°2-2005/cj-116 en las sentencias de violación sexual en agravio de menores de edad en el distrito judicial de Cusco durante los años 2018 - 2022",
author = "Espinoza Escobedo, Nohelia",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2023"
The present investigation was carried out in the course of the years 2022 to 2023 in the judicial district of Cusco. The general objective is to analyze the application of the Plenary Agreement No. 2-2005/CJ-116 in the sentences of rape to the detriment of minors in the Judicial District of Cusco during the years 2018 - 2022, as a population, 40 sentences were analyzed. issued by members A and B, the approach is qualitative and the type of study is legal - descriptive, the research design is non-experimental, the documentary analysis sheet was used as a data collection instrument. It is concluded, according to the results obtained in the present investigation, that it has been identified that although the criteria established in Plenary Agreement N°2-2005/CJ-116 are applied regarding the victim's statement, it has not yet been applies to all sentences, which violates the right to due process, since there is no adequate assessment of the evidence and therefore, a proper reasoning, which leads to issuing rulings that sometimes do not correspond to reality, violating thus the right of the victim and even of the accused. Likewise, the importance of Plenary Agreement N°2-2005/CJ-116 has been determined, given that, for the most part, the sentences have considered the criteria of subjective incredibility, credibility and persistence in the incrimination at the time of assessing the declaration of the minor victim in crimes of rape.
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