Citas bibligráficas
Apaico, D., Ponce, A. (2020). Alimentación complementaria y anemia en niños de 12 meses de edad en centros de atención primaria del Cusco, 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Apaico, D., Ponce, A. Alimentación complementaria y anemia en niños de 12 meses de edad en centros de atención primaria del Cusco, 2020 [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2020.
title = "Alimentación complementaria y anemia en niños de 12 meses de edad en centros de atención primaria del Cusco, 2020",
author = "Ponce Latorre, Alan Alejandro",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2020"
Background: Complementary feeding is one of the most fragile processes for the nutritional status of children who are under two years of age. For this reason, the importance of the introduction process in diet and type of diet is a definitive characteristic in the study of the nutritional status of children and the prevalence of anemia, which in Peru is a current topic of considerable concern. in various areas and levels of health in our country. The objective will be to determine the relationship between complementary feeding and anemia in 12-month-old children in primary care centers in Cusco, 2020. Methods: A descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional study with an analytical, correlational component was performed. A specialist-validated survey was used that was directed at the mothers of 12-month-old children in three primary care health centers, and the hemoglobin in the children's capillary blood was measured. A database was created in the SPSS Version 25 program for subsequent statistical analysis. Results: Of the 150 children who were included in the study, 56.7% were found to be male, the average weight was 9.49 kg, and the average hemoglobin value was 10.51 g / dL. The prevalence of anemia in the children included in the study was 65.3%. After the statistical analysis between complementary feeding and anemia, it was found that there is a relationship between anemia and frequency of consumption of red meat (p <0.05), frequency of consumption of cow's milk (p <0.05), type of complementary feeding (p < 0.05), likewise, a relationship was found between anemia and the administration of citrus fruits close to feeding with red meat (p <0.05). Conclusions: The prevalence of anemia found in the study was higher than that registered nationally, anemia in 12-month-old children still remains a serious public health problem in our region and country. It was found that there is a significant relationship between anemia and complementary feeding in 12-month-old children in primary care centers in Cusco.
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