Citas bibligráficas
Carrión, K., (2016). Clima organizacional y seguridad laboral en la gerencia de ingeniería y proyectos de la EPS Sedacusco S.A. 2015-2016. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Carrión, K., Clima organizacional y seguridad laboral en la gerencia de ingeniería y proyectos de la EPS Sedacusco S.A. 2015-2016. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2016.
title = "Clima organizacional y seguridad laboral en la gerencia de ingeniería y proyectos de la EPS Sedacusco S.A. 2015-2016.",
author = "Carrión Segundo, Katherin",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2016"
The present study entitled “Organizational Climate and Occupational Safety in the Management of Engineering and Projects of EPS SEDACUSCO S.A. 2015-2016 “, whose objective was to determine the relationship between organizational climate and occupational safety in the Engineering and Projects Management of the EPS SEDACUSCO S.A. 2015-2016, a questionnaire of 25 questions was elaborated, which was applied to fifty workers of the Management of Engineering and Projects of the EPS SEDACUSCO S.A. 2015-2016, This research is of an application type, whose level of research was correlational and non experimental cross-sectional design. The instrument used was the questionnaire. The following information analysis techniques were applied: documentary analysis, inquiry, data reconciliation, tabulation and chart comprehension. The following data processing techniques were applied: sorting and classification, computerized Excel process and computerized process with SPSS. The present investigation allowed determining the correlation of the Organizational Climate and the Occupational Safety in the Management of Engineering and Projects of the EPS SEDACUSCO S.A. 2015-2016. It is intended that this thesis serves as a reference tool for the management and management policies within this important entity, and in turn allows to improve the internal processes of evaluation of the Organizational climate and Occupational Safety, leading to an improvement in the environment Labor, towards the society in the Management of Engineering and Projects of the EPS SEDACUSCO SA.
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