Citas bibligráficas
Campo, K., (2018). Adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico de diabetes mellitus tipo II en pacientes del Hospital I Urubamba -Essalud, Cusco 2018. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Campo, K., Adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico de diabetes mellitus tipo II en pacientes del Hospital I Urubamba -Essalud, Cusco 2018. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2018.
title = "Adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico de diabetes mellitus tipo II en pacientes del Hospital I Urubamba -Essalud, Cusco 2018.",
author = "Campo Lavilla, Kristel",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2018"
The Study: “ADHERENCE TO PHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENTS OF DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE II IN PATIENTS OF HOSPITAL I URUBAMBA - EsSALUD, CUSCO 2018” Objective: To determine the adherence of the pharmacological treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Type II in patients of Hospital I Urubamba - EsSALUD, CUSCO 2018. The methodology was of a descriptive type, transversal design, prospective, with a sample population of 49 patients, interview technique, and the tool used was an interview guide (Hermes Test). The Results: 83.7% of the patients are 50 years old or older, 65.3% are female, 53.1% of the patients have an above average level of education, 67.3% are married, 79.6% of the patients speak Quechua and Spanish, the monthly income of 42.9% of the patients is between S/.1100.00 and S/.1399.00, and 49% of the patients have 3 children or more. Pharmacological Adherence to Treatment: 55.1% of the patients do not know what type of medications they should take for Diabetes Mellitus Type II, 57.1% of the patients do not know what dosage of the medication they should take, 42.9% of the patients often forget to take the medication, and 14.3% of the patients never forget to take their medication, 51% of the patients did not take even one of their pills for Diabetes Mellitus Type II in the last several weeks, 34.7% of the patients do not take their medication at the indicated time, 69.4% of the patients stopped taking their medication because they felt it was making them feel worse, 53.1% of the patients did not forget to take the medication because they were feeling good, 71.4% of the patients forgot to take the medication because they felt bad; of the total patients that were interviewed 83.7% were not adherent to the pharmacological treatment, and just 16.3% of the patients were adherent to the pharmacological treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Type II.
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